AIHA offers two (2) exclusive Custom E-blasts per month for advertisers looking to reach AIHA members. Advertisers may select from one of two available dates, the 1st or 3rd Friday of each month January-March or July-December.

Customer E-blasts
- Are sent to approximately 9,800 AIHA members and customers
- Have an average 30.71% Unique Open Rate
- Have an average 2.39% Unique Click Thru Rate
- Hamilton Club Members: $2,250/blast
- All other advertisers: $3,250/blast
2025 Dates
January - March; July - December - Contact Chris Dunham or call (203) 994-1883
April, May, and June - Contact Laura Cilano Garcia or call (703) 846-0748
- Jan 17 - SOLD
- Jan 24 - SOLD
- Feb 7 - SOLD
- Feb 21
- March 7 - SOLD
- March 21 - SOLD
- July 11 - SOLD
- July 25
- Aug 8
- Aug 22
- Sept 5 - SOLD
- Sept 19 - SOLD
- Oct 3
- Oct 17 - SOLD
- Nov 7 - SOLD
- Nov 21
- Dec 5 - SOLD
- Dec 19
AIHA CONNECT Sponsored E-blasts
April, May, and June are reserved for AIHA CONNECT Sponsored E-blasts. Sponsors can choose deployment to full list of AIHA members and customers ($3,250), or current list of approximately 3,500 - 4,000 AIHA CONNECT registrants ($2,250).
2025 Dates
Contact Laura Cilano Garcia or call 703-846-0748 to reserve your space in April, May, or June.
- April 1 - FULL LIST
- April 7 - REG LIST
- April 14 - REG LIST
- April 21 - FULL LIST
- April 28 - REG LIST
- May 5 - SOLD
- June 2 - SOLD
- June 9 - REG LIST
- June 16 - REG LIST
- June 23 - SOLD
- June 30 - REG LIST
Specifications for Customer and Sponsored E-blasts
Email content must be provided in one of two ways:
Option A: Client builds the email and sends an HTML file
- Total email width must be 670px wide – no limit to the height
- Full image and link URLs must be included in the file
- No restrictions on creative design
Option B: AIHA builds the email using our set template and the following from the customer:
- Email masthead image at 670px wide – no limit to height or design content (it is suggested to include your logo, product name, etc. here)
- Word document with email copy, including all hyperlinks (200 word limit)
- Optional: one (1) image to be included in the body of your email (suggested size for optimal text wrapping is 200x200px)
For all emails, AIHA will add our standard footer for Customer and Sponsored emails.
Customer to provide Notepad or Word document with a formatted plain text version of the email.
The subject line and preheader – if not provided by the customer, these will be selected by AIHA.
If the above specifications are not adhered to, the art will be rejected and sent back to the client for revision.
Materials Submission
AIHA E-blasts - Julia Malinovskaya | 212-929-9501
AIHA Connect E-blasts - Thursa La | 703-846-0768