Synergist E-alerts
The Digital Synergist E-alert is sent to members to alert them the latest issue of The Digital Synergist is available online. This alert features direct links to the feature stories, digital-only content, sponsored content, and highlights on what’s coming in the next issue.
This alert also features (4) banner ad placements for advertisers looking for an additional touchpoint via the Synergist. Often referred to as email buttons, these placements offer a quick way to connect with members in a digital format.
- $1,000 per banner, per month
- 5% discount on multi-insertion schedules
Digital E-mail Banner Size Specifications
- 295 pixels wide x 100 pixels high
- Static .JPG or .PNG accepted. Animation is not accepted
- Email banner ad to Julia Malinovskaya | 212-929-9501
Digital Synergist Homepage Banner Ads
The Digital Synergist Homepage is the place members go to find the latest stories from the current issue of the Digital Synergist. Each feature is captured here with an intro for members to click directly into the current issue. The archive to access all back issues of the digital publication is at the bottom of the page.
- The page features (2) ad positions each month.
- Rates: $500 per banner, per issue
Digital Synergist Homepage Specs
- 640 pixels wide by 500 pixels high
Submission Guidelines
- Supply a URL where the digital ad should link.
- All ads should be submitted as JPG or PNG files at 300 PPI
- Email all ad units to Julia Malinovskaya | 212-929-9501
Chris Dunham | 203-994-1883