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August 4, 2022 / Mark Ames

Focusing on What Matters Most

What do you value? What’s most important? What public policies should AIHA focus on? What states should we be particularly active in?

Your answers to all these questions and more will help inform AIHA’s government relations strategy in 2023. Recently, a public policy survey was sent to AIHA’s Government Relations Committee and posted in the Open Forum on Catalyst.

This is a short survey, considerably condensed from years past. Instead of 20 substantive questions, the new survey has just two. The first question asks you to rank order a set of issues (for example, noise; disaster preparedness, response, and recovery; indoor air quality; and professional title protection). The second asks you to describe what motivates you most to engage in government relations. Possible answers could be to create a healthier workplace and a healthier world, encourage more people to become OEHS professionals, connect with legislators, or write comments in response to agency rulemakings.

These two seemingly simple questions, combined with other key sources of information, such as the geographic distribution of AIHA members and state legislative and government activity, have the power to unlock new insights. Together, this data will help us focus our energy and make new progress on projects that protect more workers and their communities throughout the nation.

In the months to come, we will publish the summarized results of the public policy survey and roll out a new advocate training program and new government relations projects, building on the feedback received from the survey.

If you would like to ensure that you receive the latest updates, news, and opportunities to volunteer in AIHA’s government relations activities, then consider joining the Government Relations Committee, following me on LinkedIn, or emailing me; I’d love to connect with you.

Mark Ames

Mark Ames is AIHA’s director of government relations.