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October 29, 2019 / Gouhar Nayeem

Maximizing Potential through Organizational Membership

Managers are always looking for the best way to maximize employee productivity. They wisely allocate part of the company budget for professional development courses, training, conferences, and continuing education, because employees are the company’s greatest asset. Smart managers know that investing in employees increases their productivity and ensures that they are up to date with current information and standards. That’s why AIHA’s organizational membership is an investment worth considering.

AIHA provides everything needed to support the professional development of IH/OEHS professionals at all career stages. With over 8,500 members, more than half holding CIHs or other professional designations, AIHA serves as:

  • a resource for those employed in or who are pursuing health and safety careers within the industrial, consulting, academic, and government sectors
  • a comprehensive repository of educational programs and other products and services that helps members maintain the highest professional standards
  • a knowledge base of best practices, information, and research for public use and reference

Importance of Staying Current

AIHA membership keeps employees in the loop and current with the latest developments in the industry. Things change fast, and it’s important for companies to safeguard their business from unnecessary risk by keeping employees informed about current standards.

One way to do this is through AIHA University, which offers face-to-face courses, online instruction, and local networking opportunities for any career stage. With over 109,800 credit hours distributed and over 20,000 IH/OEHS professionals served over the past year, AIHA University and publications are invaluable resources employees can use to further develop themselves in the industry.

Another great way for IH/OEHS professionals to stay on top of developments is by attending AIHA’s annual conference, AIHce EXP. With over 2,400 attendees at the last AIHce EXP, there’s no doubt why Chris Laszcz-Davis, MS, CIH, COH, FAIHA, AIC Fellow, an AIHA member since 1975, identified the greatest benefit of AIHA membership as the “networking, collegiality, and continued education at the conference.”

Garrett Brown, MPH, CIH, FAIHA, an AIHA member for 30 years, agrees that the conference is a great way “to stay on top of developments in the profession. The conferences, both national and local, are very helpful resources for staying abreast of what’s happening in the profession, which is hard to do on your own. By being part of the association, you are kept in the loop.”

Powerful Networking

Networking benefits companies through the exposure AIHA provides. Learning from other industry experts’ experiences and knowledge, discussing latest trends and developments, and sharing experiences and findings are invaluable ways AIHA members build lifelong connections within the profession.

John Henshaw, CIH, FAIHA, an AIHA member since 1974, says that “the camaraderie, experience, and relationships that we’ve built over the years are what’s important to me as an AIHA member. You have people with similar minds and similar interests.”

With over 400 online communities and 7,100 member profiles, Catalyst is a tremendous resource and networking tool where members can learn from one another at all stages of their professional development. Through Catalyst, IH/OEHS professionals can gain knowledge from others, build a solid network, develop name recognition, and further their work.

Take Advantage

AIHA organizational members can list their business in the online organizational member directory and three individual members in the online membership directory, thus furthering their ability to network and giving the company and its employees the exposure needed to promote what they do.

Companies that join or renew as organizational members can take advantage of everything AIHA has to offer. AIHA has everything the company needs to provide the necessary resources for OEHS professionals to stay current, connected, and informed about what’s developing in the profession.

Call (703) 849-8888 or email us to find out how to join.

Gouhar Nayeem

Gouhar Nayeem is AIHA’s membership marketing specialist.