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March 4, 2021 / Gouhar Nayeem

The Future of Mentoring

The AIHA mentoring program is about to undergo an exciting new upgrade. At the beginning of April, AIHA will launch a new mentoring platform with the following features:

  • a one-step enrollment process
  • algorithm-based matching of mentors and mentees
  • interactivity
  • accessibility on mobile devices
  • calendar syncing, meeting scheduling, chat, and video calls

With the new platform, your user experience will be easier, faster, and more meaningful.

Not sure where to start? The new platform maps out the entire mentoring process with easy-to-understand steps. Guided messages will alleviate the stress of not knowing what to do next and make the entire process clear and organized. In addition, mentors and mentees can easily provide suggestions for improvement or encouragement in the notes and feedback section of the platform.

Mentors and mentees will also have access to the AIHA mentoring library, a series of self-paced learning modules on topics such as how to set goals or how to become a high performer. You’ll be able to take part in personal and professional development programs to better understand yourself and others.

Through the new mentoring community, mentors and mentees can interact with peers; attend events, workshops, and webinars; and join targeted communities and forums. A news section will provide quarterly updates and relevant content highlighting successful mentor-mentee relationships and more.

Mentors and mentees can provide each other feedback.

Goal setting is an important element of personal and professional achievement. You can establish your own goals and set reminders within the new platform, which will track your progress. When you complete a goal, you’ll earn a digital badge. If you earn three badges, you’ll receive an official AIHA mentoring certificate and CM credit.

The new platform tracks progress toward goals.

The new AIHA mentoring platform will be a game-changer for all members. And because the platform is virtual, even our international members can participate.

Ready to get started? You are welcome to join the current mentoring program until the launch of the new program at the beginning of April. Everyone enrolled in the current program will be automatically placed in the new program. In the meantime, check out this demo of what to expect.

Gouhar Nayeem

Gouhar Nayeem is AIHA’s membership marketing specialist.