Enhancing Workplace Health and Safety With Physiological Monitoring Webinar
Integrating wearable physiological monitoring devices into heat stress management plans has emerged as an innovative solution to evaluate heat strain. Employing physiological monitoring for workers exposed to heat can provide individual-level data to allow health and safety decisions to be made based on workers’ physiological responses, complementing other heat stress mitigation strategies. This webinar will highlight the use of physiological monitoring in heat stress management, explore the advantages and disadvantages, and dive into the key factors to consider when implementing physiological monitoring systems to evaluate heat strain.
Registration will close 09:00 a.m. CT on Thursday, February 20, 2025.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this educational activity, learners should be able to:
- Describe the multi-purpose use of physiological monitoring to assess heat strain.
- Discuss the benefits of using physiological monitoring, such as collecting real-time, individual data.
- Recognize the challenges of physiological monitoring to assess heat strain, such as device accuracy, privacy, and user acceptance.
- Summarize considerations when implementing physiological monitoring systems to measure heat strain.
Intended Audience
This educational activity is designed for a diverse group of healthcare professionals, including but not limited to:
- Physicians specializing in Occupational and Environmental Medicine
- Primary care physicians caring for local populations and communities in specific industries and common occupations
- Nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and allied OEM providers (Occupational health nurses and industrial hygienists)
- Public health professionals and epidemiologists
- Healthcare administrators and practice managers
- Health informaticists and EHR specialists
- Researchers in occupational health and population health
Contact Customer Service for assistance at 847.818.1800 or [email protected].
Registration will close 09:00 a.m. CT on Thursday, February 20, 2025