Scope of Work

Using biological media to assess the detection, quantification, evaluation, and monitoring of occupational exposures to chemical, biological, and physical agents.


  • Assemble, evaluate, and disseminate to occupational and environmental health professionals information relevant to the uses of biological media to evaluate exposures.
  • Promote the detection, quantification, evaluation, and monitoring of occupational exposures to chemical, biological, and physical agents by analyzing biological media such as blood, urine, breath, hair, sweat, nails, feces, and sputum.
  • Actively participate in identifying and responding to biological monitoring issues.
  • Identify, evaluate, and comment on legislation, regulations, and human biological monitoring guidelines.

Current Projects

  • Updating "Biological Monitoring: A Practical Field Manual" as a guide and reference for entry-level industrial hygienists and occupational health specialists. This updated guide, along with the most current methods for specific biological monitoring protocols and more theoretical texts, will enable the practicing professional to further excel in the conduct of good science in the field.
  • Updating Self Study Course on Biological Monitoring in accordance with the revised manual.

Products Produced by the Group

"Biological Monitoring: A Practical Field Manual" was developed by the Biological Monitoring Committee in 2004 as a guide and reference for entry-level industrial hygienists and occupational health specialists. The committee tried to address many of the major issues according to the perspective of the industrial hygienist with as little technical content as possible at a level also appropriate for students studying for Bachelor's or Science degrees. This guide, along with the most current methods for specific biological monitoring protocols and more theoretical texts, will enable the practicing professional to further excel in the conduct of good science in the field.

A.) Continuing Education Courses in Biological Monitoring.

B.) Technical Sessions at AIHce.

C.) Best Poster Awards for AIHce.


    • AIHce 2014 Best Student Poster: "Improving exposure assessment methods by measuring breathing rates of farm workers. " KN Navarro, B Simmons, A Bradman, JR Balmes. Dept Env Hlth Sci, School of Public Health, UC Berkeley.50 University Hall #736, Berkeley, CA.
    • AIHce 2013 Best Student Poster: "Lead and Mercury in Human Placenta and Maternal and Cord Blood in the Republic of Korea." Yelim Park, Yeonhee Chu, Youngeun Choi. Dept. of Environmental Health Science, SoonchunHyang University, the Republic of Korea.
    • AIHce 2012 Best Student Poster: "Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon levels in German tunnel workers exposed to diesel exhaust." F Boachie, G Talaska, MB Genter, P Succop, Dept Env Health ( Kettering Laboratory), University of Cincinnati.
    • AIHce 2010 Best Student Poster: "Environmental and Biological Monitoring of Traffic-related Exposures to Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Trujillo, Peru." Gideon St. Helen, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.


    • Outstanding Volunteer Group ( 2014, 2013, 2010, 2008)

    Collaboration Efforts

    • Exposure Assessment Strategies Committee.
    • Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Committee.
    • Toxicology Committee.
    • Real-Time Detection Systems Committee.
    • Nano and Advanced Materials Working Group.
    • Protective Clothing and Equipment Committee.

    External Resources

    • ACGIH Biological Exposure Indices Committee.
    • NIOSH.

    Group Dynamics

    Our members include a mix of experienced professionals and researchers from academia and consulting organizations devoted to promoting biological monitoring as an essential tool for detecting, quantifying, evaluating, and monitoring occupational exposures to chemical, biological, and physical agents. Choose the level of involvement that best fits your availability and earn CM points by:

    • Developing and refining continuing education courses to be presented at AIHces; -Promoting Biological Monitoring as an essential tool of industrial hygienists in various workplaces.
    • Updating guidance documents on Best Practices for Biological Monitoring.
    • Mentoring and developing industrial hygiene professionals.
    • Developing leaders to serve as officers of the group.

    Qualifications to Join

    Members must be an AIHA member in good standing. If you are interested in learning more about membership, please visit