​​Mission &​​ Purpose

The Conference Program Committee (CPC) is responsible for ensuring the highest quality content and speakers at AIHA Connect. The input from CPC is critical to building a dynamic education program and ensuring the conference provides OEHS professionals with the scientific and practical information they need to enhance workers' health and well-being.

Committee goals include:

  • Developing an innovative program for AIHA Connect that meets the educational needs of the profession
  • Providing long range planning for continuous improvement of the technical quality of AIHA Connect


    The CPC is comprised of 14 AIHA members representing a cross-section of OEHS practice. Each CPC member serves a term of three years. Committee members are selected to ensure a balance of:

    • Industry sectors (e.g., corporate, academia, consulting, government/ military)
    • Early, mid, and late-career professionals.
    • Geographic regions
    • Areas of specialty and other factors to create as diverse a committee as is reasonably possible.


    To serve on the committee, an individual should be a current member in good standing of either AIHA and have served on at least one technical committee, local section, or volunteer group in their professional society.

    Those interested in being considered must complete and submit a CPC application. Selection to serve on the CPC is individual, is not assigned to an organization, and is non-transferrable.


    The following attributes are considered when CPC members are selected:

    • Demonstration of leadership skills and the ability to be thoughtful, deliberative, and decisive.
    • Ability to work collaboratively in a group setting
    • Ability to represent the profession as a whole
    • Ability to screen submissions in a fair, consistent, defensible, and transparent manner
    • Ability to meet deadlines in a short period of time
    • Experience as a volunteer in AIHA

    CPC Member Expectations & Timeline

    • Three-year commitment with ​high availability in the fall (September through November)
    • Adhere to review timeline
    • Over a two-week period in September/October, complete online peer review and rating of 100+ session proposals, and be available for 3-hour review call and a 2-hour selection call in mid to late October
    • Over a two-week period in January, complete online peer review and rating of 40+ education pop-up proposals and be available for a 2-hour selection call in late January
    • Over a two-week period in March, complete online peer review and rating of 75+ student poster proposals, and be available for a 1-hour call late March/early April
    • Attend conference calls as required
    • Attend AIHA Connect in-person
    • Attend the in-person debrief meeting and luncheon at the conference.


    Contact Diana Kane, Manager, Education at 703-846-0753​.

    Would you like to get involved?

    Are you interested in ensuring a dynamic education program at AIHA Connect? Would you like to be a part of reviewing and selecting the annual AIHA Connect education sessions? If you answered yes to either of these questions, consider responding to the Call for Volunteers. DEADLINE: March 21, 2025.