Changing Work Dynamics Mission Statement

This priority focuses on educating OEHS professionals on the implications of changing work dynamics (that is between workers, workplaces, working relationships, and new technologies or new work processes) and how the OEHS community can respond in ways that protect human health in the workplace and community.

Changing Work Dynamics Vision Statements

  1. OEHS professionals have the skills and tools to identify and address the implications of a changing workforce (such as the wider age span, increased prevalence of chronic diseases, and increased diversity of workers, that can impact the implementation and effectiveness of OEHS programs and training.
  2. OEHS professionals have the skills and tools to identify and address new and emerging challenges and risks arising from new and diverse workplaces, such as working from home or co-working spaces and flexible arrangements.
  3. OEHS professionals have the skills and tools to identify and address the implications of exposure profiles driven by new trends in the relationships between workers and their work, such as multiple employers or contractors, gig work, and telecommuting.
  4. OEHS professionals have the skills and tools needed to identify and address new technologies and industrial processes, such as nanotechnology, robotics, synthetic biology, and A.I., that introduce hazards to the workplace, as well as external hazards that have impact on the workplace, such as climate change and pandemics.

Bodies of Work

Volunteer Committees’ Bodies of Work include White Papers, Guidance Documents, Fact Sheets, and Position Statements. Access an extensive library of resources developed by AIHA Volunteer Committees in their areas of specialty on various topics of interest.


Frameworks are written by appointed members and volunteers that worked collaboratively to develop guides, which outline the knowledge and skills a competent person should possess and be able to demonstrate in a specific topic or specialty.

AIHA Webinars

Adapting Your Ergonomics Program to the Hybrid Work Environment is a combination of presentations on current trends and strategies on managing a hybrid workplace environment. The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting quarantine accelerated the trend toward performing office work remotely, whether from home or across the country. As many companies are re-evaluating what their workspace could look like and some companies are starting to call employees back to the office, these shifting environments pose challenges to industrial hygienists.

The Multi-Cultural Workforce: Challenges and Solutions for Occupational & Environmental Professionals explores challenges relating to the multi-cultural workforce in the context of the OEH Scientists’ professional ability to understand complex changes in the workforce due to global economic shifts, migration, racism, discrimination against women, and other historical injustices.

Bridging Boomers to Zoomers: Understanding a Multi-generational Workplace will teach you how to apply active listening and effective communication skills in a multi-generational workforce setting. The ultimate goal of this webinar is to foster better communication within cross-generational teams to create an improved work environment for everyone, no matter their age or generational identification.

The Lens of Minority Populations in the Workplace During COVID-19 is designed to bring awareness to health and safety program elements that may impact minority populations. Attendees will receive a two-page paper and checklist you can put to use immediately.

AIHA University

Featured Education in Emerging Issues for a Changing Workforce, self-study courses, webinars, presentation recordings, publications, and frameworks, tailored to your learning preferences.

    Synergist Blog

    Volunteer Groups

    • Content Portfolio Advisory Group (CPAG) helps advance AIHA’s mission and values by providing input and advice to the AIHA Board and staff regarding the content AIHA provides to members and other stakeholders. Content may include documents, articles, white papers, fact sheets, publications, and more. Here you can find information on how you can contribute to the development and advocacy of AIHA content. To see current initiatives, please visit the Changing Work Dynamics Dashboard.
    • Construction Committee creates and promotes knowledge to protect the health and safety of workers in the construction sector.
    • Ergonomics Committee provides a forum to advance the use of ergonomic principles in industrial hygiene practice and exchange and disseminate to health professionals and the community ideas and information about ergonomics and human factors.
    • Exposure Assessment Strategies Committee provides leadership in exposure assessment and strategies for environmental health, safety, and industrial hygiene professionals.
    • Healthcare Working Group creates a forum for health care EH&S professionals to discuss issues of concern, share best practices, and promote positive change.
    • Indoor Environmental Quality Committee provides a forum for exchanging ideas and information about indoor environmental quality and participates in the development and analysis of related technological and regulatory issues.
    • Risk Committee supports and promotes human health risk assessment to better understand and control the hazards found within the workplace and environmental settings.
    • Social Concerns Committee provides a forum for identifying, discussing, and sharing with the AIHA community on various social issues related to occupational and environmental health and safety.
    • Women in IH Working Group provides a platform for professional women to support career development, promote leadership skills, and share information relevant to women working in OEHS.