Scope of Work
AIHA members and Occupational Environmental, Health, and Safety (OEHS) professionals benefitting from this work include Local Sections, AIHA members, AIHA consultants, and EHS professionals.
This committee strives to create a forum to make OEHS professionals aware and work with partner organizations to provide education and training on computer applications and information systems issues by developing of PDCs and other outreach opportunities.
Goals and Objectives
- Develops and provides technology-focused education, training, and tools by developing of PDCs and other outreach opportunities.
- Achieve and maintain an active membership encompassing a broad range of industries, education, certifications, and experience reflective of health and safety practices in new technologies and issues.
- Achieve and maintain excellence in committee operations through judicious use of volunteer resources, active engagement with all related AIHA volunteer groups and staff, and formalized mentoring and development of members.
- Actively engages in advocacy and works to influence the direction of technologies used for health and safety research and education.
- Committed to outreach to future professionals, the existing AIHA membership, and the general public.
Current Projects
- AIHA and NIOSH IH Calculator Application.
Products Produced by the Group
- IH App
- PDC's
- Using Excel for IH Database
- Use of "Palm" Devices for IH Applications
- Smart Devices for the EH&S Professional
- "So You Want To Make An App?"
- AIHce Sessions:
- Roundtable and Podium Sessions: Updates on Leveraging IH Practice with the Latest Technology 2012
- Roundtable "Hack, Hack – Who's There?" 2015
- Synergist Publications:
- Smart Security - Tips for Securing Your Smart Phone-Mark Rollins for CAC
- Apps for the EHS Professional-Mark Rollins for CAC
- "The DIY Database" Diana Larson
Collaboration Efforts
- Technology Initiatives Strategic Advisory Group (TISAG)
Group Dynamics
Interested? Join Us!
Our members range from students to career-long professionals, with a varied mix of OEHS practitioners, conservators, and collection managers. We are a friendly and active group with engaging quarterly virtual meetings. You can choose the level of involvement that fits your availability by:
- Joining a project team: learn from each other and produce real-world tools to protect workers,
- Participating in monthly meetings and suggesting other areas of concern to explore.
- One-and-done micro-volunteering tasks as needs arise and/or stepping up to a leadership role (Secretary-elect, Secretary, Vice-Chair, Chair)
Qualifications to Join
Members must be an AIHA member in good standing. If you are interested in learning more about membership, please visit https://www.aiha.org/membership.