Why choose AIHA as your OEHS community?

Your exclusive member access includes:
- AIHA University Education and Learning Opportunities: Members receive discounts on AIHA University webinars, publications, courses, face-to-face trainings, certifications, and more. AIHA University provides premium professional content developed by OEHS professionals for OEHS professionals.
- Synergist Magazine: Members receive a subscription to Synergist magazine, the leading source for OEHS news.
- Access to a Community of OEHS Professionals: Members receive access to Catalyst—AIHA’s high-powered online professional community, built to meet your needs to connect and collaborate with other OEHS professionals.
- Deep Discounts on the Premier OEHS Conference - AIHA Connect: Each year, AIHA Connect brings together more than 4,000 OEHS professionals from around the world to learn, network, and grow the future of the profession. AIHA members can save up to $450 on registration and housing.
- Personal and professional growth opportunities: Members receive a variety of free tools including The Mentoring Institute and Career Advantage—the trusted online job board that connects OEHS job seekers with employers across all industries.
- Valuable networking opportunities: Members can connect with industry leaders and fellow professionals through conferences, online communities, volunteer groups, and Local Sections.
- Leadership development opportunities: Members can join a wide range of scientific and leadership committees, task forces, working groups, special interest groups, and advisory groups.
- OEHS tools and resources: Only AIHA members can advertise their businesses in the Consultants’ Listing, the go-to resource for those looking to hire for OEHS needs.
- An Opportunity to Shape the Future of OEHS and Worker Safety: AIHA members are regularly asked to participate in surveys and discussions that directly impact the future of the profession. Members in working groups contribute to publications. Members holding Full memberships are able to nominate and vote for Board members.
Explore AIHA Membership Options
AIHA has a membership option for professionals at all career stages, and organizations of any size:
Organizational Membership

AIHA has partnered with ACGIH to offer AIHA Members the on-demand webinar series Navigating EPA’s TSCA Risk Evaluation Insights for Industrial Hygienists for the same price as ACGIH Subscribers. This series includes 5 webinars that you can watch anytime, anywhere! Discount code available on the AIHA Catalyst member platform.
AIHA's Differentiators
Please visit Membership Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) or contact the Member Services team or call (703) 849-8888.
AIHA Code of Conduct Acknowledgment
The Code of Conduct for all members and volunteers of the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and summarizes the behavior expected of members and volunteers representing AIHA in any forum, mailing list, public meetings, or private correspondence.
AIHA Membership Dues
AIHA dues are not deductible as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes but may be partially deductible as a business expense. AIHA estimates that 9% of your dues are not deductible because of AIHA's lobbying activities on behalf of its members. AIHF and AGF are 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. Contributions to either may be tax-deductible. Consult your tax advisor.
Please note... membership dues are not refundable.