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August 20, 2020

NIOSH to Hold Webinar on COVID-19 Research Partnerships

On Wednesday, Sept. 2, NIOSH will host a free webinar on topics related to developing partnerships during a pandemic as part of its 2020 Expanding Research Partnerships Webinar Series. The series is intended to increase awareness of the topic areas being addressed by NIOSH-funded research and knowledge of areas where new research partnerships can be developed. Speakers for the Sept. 2 event will discuss NIOSH’s Disaster Science Responder Research Program, engaging seafood processing workers in a pandemic, and disaster workforce planning for 2020 and beyond. Other presenters will examine the needs and concerns of small businesses during the pandemic and the role of NIOSH-funded organizations in COVID-19 response.

Abstracts of the planned presentations are available on NIOSH’s website. General information about the webinar is also available. Interested individuals can register via Adobe Connect. Pre-registration is required to attend the webinar, which is being held free of charge to participants.