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April 14, 2022

WHO Seeks Experts on Infectious Hazards of Epidemic, Pandemic Potential

The World Health Organization (WHO) seeks experts to serve as members of its Strategic and Technical Advisory Group on Infectious Hazards. The purpose of the advisory group is to provide independent advice and analysis to WHO regarding infectious hazards that potentially threaten global health security. Additional functions of the group include providing oversight on WHO’s mechanisms for infectious hazard prevention and control and reviewing information about new and emerging infectious diseases as well as ongoing outbreaks in order to advise WHO on efforts related to investigation, prevention and control, and research.

According to WHO, the advisory group will comprise members with a range of technical knowledge and skills related to infectious hazards of epidemic and pandemic potential. Scientists, public health professionals, and others with experience in areas such as epidemiology, modeling, forecasting; infection prevention and control; and research and development are encouraged to consider joining the group.

Individuals have until May 16 to register their interest in being considered to join the Strategic and Technical Advisory Group on Infectious Hazards. Further details about the group’s operations and WHO’s selection process can be found on the organization's website.