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March 30, 2023

Call for Nominations: Safe-in-Sound Awards

Nominations for the annual Safe-in-Sound Excellence in Hearing Loss Prevention Awards are now being accepted. The awards are cosponsored by NIOSH, the National Hearing Conservation Association (NHCA), and the Council on Accreditation of Hearing Conservationists (CAOHC).

Two awards are given: one for excellence and one for innovation. According to Safe-in-Sound Review Committee Coordinator Scott Schneider, CIH, judges for the excellence award consider what nominees have done to control noise levels in their workplace. Of interest to the judges is whether nominees have purchased quieter tools or equipment, regularly checked noise levels, provided effective hearing protection tailored to workers’ needs, provided annual hearing tests, trained all workers effectively on noise both on and off the job, controlled noise to the levels recommended by NIOSH, and evaluated their program each year to improve deficiencies.

There are two deadlines for nominations. Those who wish to nominate another individual, group, or company must submit nominations by June 8, 2023. Self-nominations will be accepted through August 18, 2023. For information on how to submit a nomination, visit the Safe-in-Sound website.