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April 6, 2023

ADG Requests Return of Certain PAPR Blower Units

The manufacturer AirBoss Defense Group (ADG) requests the return of certain C420 powered air-purifying respirator (PAPR) blower units due to “the potential for internal impeller disengagement from the blower motor ,” according to a user notice published on Monday. ADG explains that in these instances, the respirators will maintain user protection while they are unpowered; however, users will experience increased breathing resistance. The notice affects C420 blower units with serial numbers including the first four digits 2008 through 2109 and includes instructions for inspecting units for these serial numbers.

“Returned units will receive new blower motors and will be reassembled using improved production processes,” ADG says. “These refurbished units will then be returned with a new serial number to identify that remediation has occurred.”

Further details, including contact information that can be used to arrange for the return of affected units to ADG, can be found in the user notice (PDF).

This and other recent notices are also available via the respirator user notices page of the NIOSH National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory website.