NORA Manufacturing Sector Council Workgroup
Ventilation Strategies to Reduce the Risk of COVID-19 in Manufacturing
This tool is a product of the National Occupational Research Agenda Manufacturing Sector Council’s COVID-19 workgroup, of which the NAM (National Association of Manufacturers) is a member. The Council brings together representatives from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, business, labor, and academia to share information, form partnerships, and promote solutions that improve workplace safety. Shortly after the pandemic began, the workgroup assembled to identify information that was not readily available and would help keep workers safe.
AIHA Partnership
National Safety Council: Employer Actions
In 2020, AIHA joined the National Safety Council's SAFER program, a multifaceted effort to help employers create safe workspaces in a post-coronavirus world. In July, NSC launched a national employer survey targeting safety and health decision-makers. This report is the result of their findings.
Task Force
AIHA Joins National Safety Council SAFER Task Force
The "SAFER: Safe Actions for Employee Returns" initiative is a comprehensive, multifaceted plan developed to guide employers through the process of safely resuming traditional work and operations now and after the pandemic.
Joint Effort
AIHA and ACOEM Call for Donations
AIHA, ACOEM, and AHA have joined efforts urging members to make in-kind donations of any surplus PPE to help healthcare workers during this crisis, including respirators and P95, N99, N100, P95, P99, or P100 masks.
Resource Sharing
AIHA-ABSA International Joint Statement on Coronavirus
ABSA International and AIHA share resources with each organization’s members and plan to continue collaborating to assist our members in the future as the COVID-19 crisis persists.
Government Relations
Influencing Federal Policy
OH&S Professionals Recognized as “Essential Workers” by the Federal Government
"This is why our members are so integral to the success of the global fight against the pandemic and the amazing work they’re doing every day to fight it," says Mark Ames, AIHA's Director of Government Relations. "It's a major win."
Influencing Policy
Industrial Hygienists are Considered “Essential Workers”
Members of Congress on the Federal and State levels are working on the fourth coronavirus aid package, and now is our time for maximum influence. See what's happening state-by-state.