How Healthcare Organizations Can Protect Their Personnel and Patients From Health Risks
Healthcare personnel and their patients face an increased risk of ongoing virus transmission due to their close-contact services and the high volume of patients seen each day.
Employers and managers in the healthcare industry must protect their patients and staff against the inherent risks associated with their work, with unique considerations for dental settings, laboratories, and physical and occupational therapy, chiropractic, and massage therapy providers.
Protecting Against Ongoing Health Risks in Healthcare Settings
With these questions in mind, AIHA has created this “Healthier Workplaces and Schools eBook” to offer practical advice for how employers can improve personnel and patient safety and limit the spread of illnesses and viruses like COVID-19. The guidance borrows from the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advice and expert counsel from other leading health, government, and dentistry organizations.
Additional Safety Resources For Healthcare Employers
To access more help and resources to understand and avoid the ongoing health risks of healthcare work, we recommend you explore the following resources and networks.
Resources by Type
Healthier Workplaces and Schools eBook
The recent pandemic has taught us many important lessons about the spread of infectious diseases like COVID-19, RSV, and measles in indoor environments. As a result, we must take advantage of what we have learned to help ensure our places of work are and continue to be safe places for our workers, customers, and communities. Many of the steps you can take to help keep buildings and the people in them safer and healthier are simple and effective and can be adjusted to meet the current situation or infectious disease risk that exists. In this e-book, we will walk you through the different approaches to help mitigate the risk of spreading airborne infectious diseases depending on your workplace setting.
Presentations & Webinars
- Health Information and Privacy: An Introduction and Overview
Presented by ACOEM and AIHA - Reopening Hotels, Office Buildings and Healthcare Facilities After the COVID-19 Pandemic: Managing Legionella Risks in Building Water Systems
By Dr. David Krause, CIH
- Health Information and Privacy: An Introduction and Overview
Support Documents
Healthier Workplaces: Guidance for Dentist’s Offices and Facilities, 2nd edition
Healthier Workplaces: Guidance for Laboratories, 2nd edition
PPE CASE – Performance of Stockpiled Level 3 Surgical Gowns Sampled from Six Stockpile Facilities
Home Health Care Aides: Occupational Health and Safety Challenges and Opportunities(AIHA White Paper)