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November 17, 2022 / Gouhar Nayeem

Membership Highlights of 2022

With 2022 coming to an end, AIHA would like to thank you for your commitment and involvement. Your dedication and professionalism have made a tremendous impact on what we’ve been able to collectively achieve this past year. Here are some highlights of what we accomplished in 2022:

Additionally, we added two new membership classifications: military and organizational group membership. Military membership is for all active U.S. military (not including federal agencies) with proof of ID at fifty percent off full and early career professional membership rates. Organizational group membership is a cost-effective way of bundling individual AIHA memberships into one low-cost package.

This year we also reconvened in person for our annual AIHce EXP conference, which was held in Nashville. After two years of virtual conferences, it was a special treat to see everyone back together in person again. We look forward to welcoming you in Phoenix next year!

Your continued support of AIHA allows us to develop enhanced programs, initiatives, resources, and educational offerings for your professional development and a healthier world. With membership renewals underway for 2023, we thank those who have already paid their dues and encourage those of you who have not yet done so to renew today. If you renew before 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on December 31*, you will receive a complimentary copy of a brand-new ebook in the Essentials collection, titled The Essentials of OEHS Communication (valued at $19.95).

We’d like to see more of you in 2023. If you haven’t gotten involved with a volunteer group, joined the mentoring program, attended AIHce EXP, taken a webinar or professional development course, read The Synergist, or checked out our CareerAdvantage center, you need to add them to your New Year’s resolutions list!

Gouhar Nayeem

Gouhar Nayeem is AIHA's membership marketing specialist.