Dermal & Surface Sampling WG Logo

Scope / Domains and Dimensions

The scope of work will focus on occupational and environmental dermal exposure assessment domains.

  • Dermatotoxicology: skin as a target organ; dermatitis; sensitization; irritation.
  • Exposure Assessment and Dermal Adsorption: good industrial hygiene practice, EU Reach, US EPA TSCA Risk Evaluation.
  • Toxicology: testing and methods, including non-animal models.
  • Cosmetics and Personal Care Products: uptake of constituents.
  • Drug delivery methods and mechanisms.
  • Other.

Group Composition

There is no limit on the size of this working group. A chair, vice chair, and secretary will be selected to serve as the group's leadership, with officer rotations to commence at the close of AIHce. At that time, the chair will serve as the past chair, vice chair to chair, secretary to vice chair, etc. The secretary position is elected and will be implemented during the second year of this working group. While not required, selecting a secretary-elect will ensure a smooth transition.

Participation is not limited to AIHA members. We envision input from other volunteer groups whose interests align with the areas of concern noted above and allied associations.

Current Projects

  • TSCA Risk Evaluation: dermal contribution to exposure—occupational, consumer.
  • Standards and Guidelines: USP Standard 800 Surface Sampling for Hazardous Drugs; Hazardous Drug Sampling and Assessment Healthcare Work Environments: AIHA Guidance Document; ASTM D22.04 Surface and Dermal Task Group.
  • Toxicity Testing: New Approach Methods (NAM) for non-animal-based approaches for assessing dermal toxicology endpoints; EU ban of animal testing for cosmetics.
  • European Reach: Dermal DNELs.
  • AIHA Exposure Assessment Committee: dermal assessment tools.
  • Pesticide and Agrochem Industry: well-developed approaches for dermal exposure.
  • Occupational Exposure Limits (e.g., WEEL, TLV…): dermal/Skin designation where dermal adsorption can be a significant exposure route; DSEN where an agent can result in skin sensitization; Occupational and Environmental Exposure of the Skin to Chemicals (OEESC); International Conference (2019 proceedings: ).
  • Coordinating group with reps from BOHS, NIOSH, and UConn: ongoing conference for 15 years; last two conferences hosted by BOHS; the conference has been a net revenue generator.

Diversity and Inclusion

AIHA fosters diversity and inclusion of all people within our membership and adheres to a diversity policy built around respect for individuals regardless of where they are on life's journey. AIHA prohibits discrimination based on age, citizenship, color, cultural background, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity/expression, race, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or veteran status. Furthermore, AIHA prohibits all harassment and threatening behavior that detracts from the learning experience, which is central to AIHA’s mission.

Please familiarize yourself with the AIHA Diversity and Inclusion Policy.

Officer Selection

  • The AIHA President will select the officers initially based on expressed interest from working group members via the online application form.
  • Secretary nominations will commence in 2024.


  • Attend in-person meetings as identified and agreed to by the members (typically one held during AIHce), as well as participate in periodic conference calls throughout the year.
  • Conduct activities in accordance with relevant AIHA policies, procedures, and priorities.

General Time Commitment

  • Monthly conference calls (1 hour in length).
  • One in-person meeting (AIHce).
  • Email correspondence as needed.


  • Accountable to the AIHA Board of Directors.
  • Agree to uphold and abide by the AIHA Bylaws, Conflict of Interest, Code of Conduct, and Volunteer Group policies, all of which can be found via the Volunteer Group Handbook.

    Questions? Please contact Michele Twilley, DrPH, AIHA Staff CIH.