The AIHA volunteer community is the lifeblood of the Association and the first line of defense in achieving our mission and vision. Our volunteers work hand-in-hand to support the:

  • facilitation of networking and information exchange among members
  • development of products, services, and activities for educational purposes
  • development of guidelines and standards for good practice
  • development of statements to contribute to public policy debates
  • collaboration with other allied organizations

AIHA's Board of Directors, volunteers, members, and staff conduct the business of the Association with respect for diversity of opinion, transparent and open communication, and with due consideration of each member's limited volunteer time.

To learn more about the roles and responsibilities of AIHA volunteers, please see the AIHA Member Groups Policy.

Academic Accreditation Panel
Academic Advisory Group
AIHA's Grand Challenges Project
Body of Knowledge Framework Project Teams
Content Portfolio Advisory Group
Defining the Science Advisory Group
Improving Exposure Judgments Advisory Group
IAQ Task Force
Local Sections Advisory Group
Principles of Good Practice Advisory Group
Technology Initiatives Strategy Advisory Group
Total Worker Health® Advisory Group
Toxic Substances Control Act Task Force
Human Capital/ESG Task Force

Resources and Bodies of Work

Position statements, documents, fact sheets, and whitepapers by a volunteer group.

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