- Identify, evaluate, and distribute relevant information for use by LS and SLS from AIHA National and other pertinent sources.
- Expand and communicate programs of mutual interest to the LS and the SLS.
- Identify and present LS and SLS interests to AIHA National.
- Increase respective memberships in LS, SLS, and AIHA National
Strategic Objectives
- Maintain a high level of awareness and involvement in advocacy issues that affect the practice of industrial hygiene/occupational health. Promote the formation of state government relations organizations, and share pertinent information with LS and SLS.
- Facilitate collective action in developing positions on proposals that may originate from either LS, SLS, and/or AIHA National.
- Provide a forum for public relations and other training for LS and SLS officers.
- In conjunction with AIHA National, help develop and lead community outreach programs for use by LS and SLS to advance awareness of the profession in their respective regions.
- Promote the formation and maintenance of SLS. Work through university faculty advisors to encourage membership in SLS as well as AIHA National.
- Help LS and SLS officers continually improve operations. Develop best practice guidelines on operating procedures and performance standards. Establish metrics to determine the effectiveness of LS and SLS.
- Implement an exchange of effective practices in member recruitment and retention, as well as meeting development and speaker selection across LS and SLS.
- Provide collective responses to AIHA BoD on requests on specific issues.
- Hold an LSAG Business Meeting at AIHA Connect each year.
The LSAG shall consist of four members—two LS representatives and two SLS representatives. It is imperative that all members of the LSAG feel empowered with their own voice and perspective to be shared; particularly the students as this is a committee of equals. All LSAG members must be AIHA national members or AIHA student national members in good standing. LSAG is dynamic in serving the needs of the LS and AIHA National and for that purpose, it should be able to adjust for any demands of being effective in its role. If it is deemed that more members are needed on the LSAG then the existing LSAG members can vote to expand the membership.
Terms and Tenure
The LS representatives will serve a two-year term, with the terms being staggered to assure that one is elected each year. The LS representatives will serve as the Chair and Vice-Chair. Terms will run from AIHA Connect to AIHA Connect each year.
The Vice-Chair is elected by votes from the LS presidents prior to/at the LSAG Business Meeting via electronic or paper ballot. The Vice-Chair advances to the Chair after the election of the Vice Chair’s successor.
The SLS representatives will serve a one-year term from AIHA Connect to AIHA Connect. Student representatives may change from year-to-year. Student Local Section Presidents will each get a vote to decide the representatives.
Roles & Responsibilities
The Chair presides over the annual business meeting of the LSAG and LS officers, as well as all ongoing business of the LSAG. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair assumes the responsibilities.
The Vice-Chair will serve as a technical resource, monitor completion of required actions, and act as a parliamentarian/facilitator.
An AIHA Board member is assigned by the AIHA President to serves as board liaison to the LSAG. They participate in LSAG quarterly conference calls and will attend the LSAG Business Meeting at AIHA Connect. They are also accessible to local sections should the need arise and will be responsible for bringing up any pertinent local section issues or resolutions before the AIHA Board, as well as communicate Board decisions that may affect LS or SLS.
For more information, please contact Joseph Hill.
Advisory Group Members
The members of the Local Sections Advisory Group are:
- Kassey Braun, CIH, CSP (LSAG Chair)
- Donald Elswick, CIH, CSP, CIT, CHMM (Vice Chair)
- Chris Robertson, MSPH, CIH, CSP (Member)
- Joseph Hill (Staff Liaison & Member Networks Coordinator)
- Vacant (Student Local Sections Representative)
- Eric White, MPH, CIH, CSP (Board Representative)