Amending Student Local Section Bylaws

Student Local Section bylaws can be amended at anytime throughout the year. Please remember that amended bylaws must be sent to AIHA for approval.

As a reference guide, student local sections can model their bylaws similar to the AIHA Student Local Section Model Bylaws.

If you would like a copy of your existing student bylaws, please contact AIHA.

Student Officer Roster

Each year, student local sections are required to submit a new officer roster. An updated Student Local Section Officer Roster should be submitted to AIHA within two weeks of the election process.

Steps to Create an AIHA Student Local Section

Lead the way for a new IH Community at your college or university by setting-up an AIHA Student Local Section.

In order to set-up an AIHA Student Local Section, the following must be done:

  • Secure a faculty member who is willing to serve as the Student Local Section Faculty Advisor (the individual must be a National AIHA member in good standing).

  • Draft a set of bylaws for the prospective student section using a copy of the model student local section bylaws.

  • If necessary, seek the appropriate approval regarding the establishment of a student local section at your college/university.
  • Seek a nearby local section to sponsor your student section. The following items should be sent to the sponsoring local section for review and approval: 1) Draft Bylaws and 2) Dues requirements.
    • In order to indicate their intent of sponsoring a student section, the sponsoring local section president must send a written endorsement letter to AIHA and the student section. The correspondence should include whether they approve the student section draft bylaws and dues.
  • Upon receiving the written endorsement from the sponsoring local section and a copy of the student local section draft bylaws, AIHA and the Local Sections Council Officers will review the materials to ensure all requirements are fulfilled. If fulfilled, AIHA will contact the student local section so they may begin their organizational activities (organization meetings, membership drives, officer elections, dues collection, and regularly scheduled monthly meetings.)

  • Once student officer elections have been completed, student section bylaws are to be signed by the new student section president and faculty advisor. A copy of the fully signed bylaws should be sent to the sponsoring local section and to AIHA.
    • The student section should also include in their correspondences the names of elected officers and indicate the contact person's name and school or home address for all future correspondences from the sponsoring local section and/or national AIHA.
  • All proposed amendments must be approved by the sponsoring local section. Proposed bylaws amendments must be forward to the local section for review, approval, and sign-off prior to adoption by the student section.

Helpful Guidelines in Setting Up a Student Local Section

For Students and Faculty Advisor:

For Sponsoring Local Sections: