Our History
Launched as a 501c3 in June 2011, the CSHS was designed to provide over 100,000 occupational safety and health professionals in over 70 countries with a stronger voice in shaping sustainability policies.
CSHS was established to create awareness of the fact that a sustainable organization cannot be one that does not ensure safe and healthy working conditions for its employees and contractors. Unfortunately, when an organization considers the "social" aspect of its own sustainability picture, occupational safety and health receive very little attention, if any at all. Yet more than 2 million people die from occupational accidents or work-related diseases each year.
During its last year of operation as a legal entity, the CSHS Board updated its vision, mission, and strategic goal statements as follows:
Vision Statement
For all organizations to value, advance, and publicly disclose occupational health and safety (OHS) performance as part of sustainable business practices.
Mission Statement
To engage and influence decision-makers across corporations, financial markets, standards bodies, rating agencies, and other sustainability/human capital stakeholders to measure, manage and disclose OHS performance and assure safe and healthy workplaces worldwide.
Strategic Goals
- Provide Thought Leadership: The Center is a global source for emerging insights into the measurement, management, public reporting, and impact of safety and health sustainability.
- Influence and Engage Identified Decision-Makers: Workplaces adopt and maintain enterprise-wide occupational health and safety (OHS) policies in the context of sustainability, including OHS measurement, management, and public reporting.
- Prepare Professionals: Business leaders understand, measure, manages, and publicly report on the importance of safety and health as part of good corporate governance, sustainability, and corporate social responsibility.
Looking Ahead
At the request of its four partner organizations, in November 2019 the Board of Directors voted to sunset the 501c3 due to the costs and complexities involved in sustaining its legal operations. Moving forward, the partner organizations have agreed to explore future collaborative activities (subject to each organization’s financial and other resource constraints) as well as embark on individual activities which support the stated goals.
Legacy Activities
Click on any of the links below to access previously published work and other programs.