The Ambassador Program is intended to:

  • Support the development of a cooperative infrastructure of OEHS professionals in other countries;
  • Identify the need for OEHS capacity building and work to assist the host country in achieving this objective.
  • Identify needed education, products, and services within the international community that AIHA technical and professional development committees can develop and market;
  • Promote the profession and the Association’s products and services to the international community; and, secondarily,
  • Recruit AIHA members.

Ambassador positions available in targeted regions: Brazil, Colombia, Israel, Mexico, Mozambique, Pakistan, and South Africa.


AIHA ambassadors shall be those AIHA members who meet the required criteria and who are subsequently approved for an appointment.

Term of Service

AIHA Ambassadors' terms of service are limited to four (4) years. Ambassadors can re-apply to serve additional terms, but their acceptance is not guaranteed. Ambassadors will also be allowed to recommend potential successors to International Affairs Committee (IAC) officers at the end of their term. If no successor candidate is available at the end of an ambassador’s term, AIHA shall extend the incumbent’s term until a successor is named or the incumbent resigns. Past ambassadors will voluntarily remain IAC Committee members after their term ends to ensure continuity.

Selection Process

  • Completed applications that reflect a candidate’s ability to meet the appointment criteria listed above will then be transmitted to the Chair of the IAC and the IAC Board Liaison for review.
  • IAC officers will review and make recommendations to the AIHA President for final approval.

Full Appointment

Once the appointee has completed the orientation program and has submitted an executed statement to the staff liaison, the appointee will receive a formal appointment letter. This letter will serve as the individual’s primary credential of ambassadorial status.

Criteria for Full Appointment

  • Agreement to be fully supportive of the AIHA strategic plan and the goals and objectives of the IAC during the pursuit of the ambassadorial responsibilities.
  • Agreement to submit activity reports to the Chair of the IAC and the AIHA staff liaison in charge of coordinating international activity upon the completion of activity in ambassador capacity.
  • Agreement to submit an annual report to the IAC officers in advance of the committee’s annual meeting, summarizing the capacity-building activities undertaken during the previous year to promote the OEHS profession in the host country. This annual report may be included as a presentation at the annual IAC meeting at the officers' request.
  • Submission of a signed statement indicating that the orientation materials have been reviewed is understood and complied with.

Criteria for Conditional Appointment

  • Be a member of AIHA in good standing. Click here to join.
  • Travel to or reside in the host country as a part of his/her assignment.
  • Have a significant network of OEHS contacts in the host country.
  • Be willing to serve in the capacity of ambassador without the requirement of AIHA remuneration.
  • Submit a complete and executed application as well as a recent CV for participation in the Ambassador Program.

Conditional Appointment

The AIHA President will notify the successful candidate of the candidate’s conditional appointment as the Association’s ambassador to a specific country.

AIHA will then provide the appointee with program orientation materials, which will include an overview of the program, an overview of ambassador responsibilities and expectations, the AIHA strategic plan, the IAC and its strategic goals and objectives, applicable policies and procedures, AIHA products, and services, and activity report format.

AIHA Ambassadors

Argentina - Armando Chamorro (Dan Rajsfus is regional representative for South America)
Bolivia - Kyle Naylor
Brazil - *Position available*
Cayman Islands - Antoinette Johnson
China - Laurence Svirchev
Colombia - *Position available*
Dominican Republic - Monica Maldonado (regional representative for Central America)
Ethiopia - Hailemichael Mulugeta
France - Thomas Fuller
Ghana - Ebenezer Ofori
India - Maharshi Mehta
Israel - *Position available*
Mexico - *Position available*
Mozambique - *Position available*
Nepal - Steve Thygerson
Pakistan - *Position available*
Puerto Rico - Ruth Otero
South Africa - *Position available*
Switzerland - Olindo Ianniello
Vietnam - Tuan Nguyen

Ambassador positions available in targeted regions: Brazil, Colombia, Israel, Mexico, Mozambique, Pakistan, and South Africa.

Ambassador Program Application