Individuals must apply to attend and, if selected, will actively participate in workshops to develop an understanding of and leverage their strengths, interact with different personalities and work styles, and understand best practices for effective managers and leaders. FLI students also receive training in strategic decision making, integration of EHS and IH into key business priorities, and increasing their scope of influence and contributions as OEHS professionals.
With respect to collaboration and teamwork, participants will learn how to successfully join efforts with other leaders and effectively manage conflict. Finally, individuals will learn skills for networking and exploring their personal and professional aspirations to align with career trajectories that support their goals and advance them in their organization and profession.
Current AIHA members or members of an IOHA affiliated organization with 3-15 years of IH/OEHS or related experience are encouraged to apply to this program.
Applications will be reviewed by a selection panel, and candidates will be evaluated on their:
- Experience in leadership/management positions related to work, personal life, or volunteer activities (AIHA or non-AIHA);
- Recognition and endorsement as a future leader by his/her organization or institution;
- Demonstrated accomplishments in professional and/or civic settings;
- Receipt of awards and/or recognition; and
- Submitted Statement of Interest.
If selected to attend Future Leaders Institute, attendees will be responsible for covering their transportation expenses to and from FLI. International attendees are eligible to apply for travel assistance via the Stephen C. Davis FLI Memorial Grant Fund.
AIHA will cover the following associated costs:
- 3-night hotel stay
- meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
- facilitator fees
- self-assessment tools/supplies
- social and community serving outings
Make a Donation to the Future Leaders Institute
Future Leaders Institute is made possible by the support of AIHA and donations from past FLI Alumni and AIHA members. Donations to support the program are tax-deductible as allowed by law.
Stephen C. Davis Future Leaders Institute Memorial Grant
In 2015, to carry on the legacy of preparing the next generation of IH/OH leaders, the Stephen C. Davis Future Leadership Institute (FLI) Memorial Grant was established.