Virtual PDCs

Live Virtual PDCs are interactive online small group sessions with a live instructor hosted in zoom meeting. Registration includes one connection per primary registrant. Live online PDCs take place in the AIHA Online Classroom. Any handouts or additional materials are posted 1-2 days before the live event. Can't make it to a live online PDC? The live online PDC recordings are provided to registrants in their online classroom for 90 days.

Upcoming AIHA University Live Virtual PDCs - Save the Date!

  • Upcoming virtual PDCs will be announced soon!

      Certification Maintenance

      AIHA is the only party that can issue credit for participation on an education transcript for AIHA University PDCs. The AIHA transcript lists contact hours for certification maintenance based on the length of the PDC. To receive credit on an AIHA transcript, registrants must view the live online PDC recording in its entirety in the Online Classroom.

      Contact us if you have questions or want to discuss your group’s learning needs.