AIHA's Marketplace houses a number of books and reports published by AIHA on a variety of topics of interest to industrial hygiene professionals. Our publications are available as print and/or digital products; please check the item descriptions for particular formats.

Our most popular products

A Strategy for Assessing and Managing Occupational Exposures, 4th edition

Industrial hygiene professionals will find this resource beneficial in allocating resources for assessing and managing occupational exposures to chemical, physical, and biological agents. Basic characterization; qualitative and quantitative risk assessment and priority setting; monitoring, interpretation, and decision making; recommendations; reporting; and evaluations are among the topics addressed.

Stock #: AEAK15-327
Edited by Steven D. Jahn, William H. Bullock, and Joselito S. Ignacio

Member: $123.75 | Non-Member: $160.88

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Important Instrumentation and Methods for the Detection of Chemicals in the Field, 2nd edition

The rapid detection of chemicals and unsafe workplace atmospheres has been pursued for well over one hundred years. Well-known and accepted detection instruments, developed and refined over the years, are often applied to acute hazards, for which time-weighted average sampling may not be protective. Detection systems are also available to supplement exposure assessments related to chronic health effects, for which time-weighted average sampling is highly relevant.

Practicing industrial hygienists and safety professionals are familiar with these tools, but may not always fully appreciate the capabilities and limitations of the varied detection technologies available. Beyond the time-tested detection tools, new compact and capable field analysis systems exist, and improvements to reduce the size, complexity, and cost of such systems are continually occurring. The fusion of old and new capabilities is changing the state-of-the-art for exposure assessment, and a firm understanding of the available field detection and exposure measurement tools is critical to the ability of industrial hygienists and allied professionals to properly fill their roles in protecting human health.

Stock #: AINB19-777
Author/Editor: Edited by Philip A. Smith and Gregory W. Cook

Member: $106.25 | Non-Member: $138.13

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Industrial Hygiene Reference & Study Guide, 4th edition

This comprehensive tool is the ultimate quick reference that OEHS professionals can use in their day-to-day business, and is a must-have for all students and those planning to take certification exams. From toxicology and radiation to ventilation and noise, this desktop reference summarizes the key information for all industrial hygiene rubrics.

Stock #: BIHS19-708
ISBN #: 978-1-935082-97-2
Author/Editor: Edited by Carter B. Ficklen, III

Member: $118.75 | Non-Member: $154.38

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Mathematical Models for Estimating Occupational Exposure to Chemicals, 2nd edition
Mathematical Models for Estimating Occupational Exposure to Chemicals, 2nd edition

This work presents a systematic and comprehensive approach to exposure models and their advantages. Its 17 chapters discuss general principles of physical and chemical models, dermal exposure models, exposure reconstruction, and more. It is a practical tool for any professional concerned with exposure assessment and management.

Stock #: AEAM09-379
ISBN #: 978-1-935082-10-1
Author/Editor: Edited by Charles B. Keil, Catherine E. Simmons, and T. Renee Anthony

Member: $97.50 | Non-Member: $126.75

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Odor Thresholds for Chemicals, 4th edition

This publication provides the industrial hygiene/occupational and environmental health and safety (IH/OEHS) practitioner with insight into the variables that affect human perception of chemical odors in the occupational environment. It also offers guidance on the interpretation and use of threshold data. This fourth edition includes thresholds for compounds without established OELs. As such, several hundred new compound thresholds have been added.

Stock #: AEAR24-108
Edited by Alex H. Lehocky, Patrick D. Owens,Cheri Marcham, and J. David Krause

Member: $93 | Non-Member: $121

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Recognition, Evaluation, and Control of Indoor Mold, 2nd edition

Recognition, Evaluation, and Control of Indoor Mold provides the most current and comprehensive discussion on the basic practice of identifying mold damage, the evaluation of the samples that are collected, and the process of remediation. Its twenty chapters cover the underlying principles and background of evaluation and control, building evaluation, data interpretation, and remediation and control. Appendices contain advanced perspectives in mold prevention and control as well as images of exterior and interior building mold.

This extensive management of indoor mold discussion was written by expert industrial hygiene practitioners, academics, government officials, and scientists scrutinized by external peer review. Innovative methods and approaches for each assessed situation are provided.

Stock #: IMOM19-679
Edited by Ling-Ling Hung, Steven M. Caulfield, and J. David Miller

Member: $181.25 | Non-Member: $235.63

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The Occupational Environment, 3rd edition

This popular AIHA publication remains an essential core reference for occupational health and safety practitioners, educators, and students. The revised, two-volume, third edition of "The White Book" includes comprehensive information on hazard recognition and evaluation, physical agents, the human environment, controlling the occupational environment, program management, and much more. Chapters have been rewritten or significantly revised to provide OEHS tools, methodologies, and knowledge in a single resource.

The chapters of Volume 1 focus on the chemical aspects, air monitoring, and exposure and risk assessment strategies. Volume 2 includes content related to physical hazards, control methods, and management aspects.

Stock #: BIHT10-566
Edited by Daniel H. Anna, PhD, CIH, CSP

Member: $286.25 | Non-Member: $372.13 | Student: $187.50

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Toxicology Principles for the Industrial Hygienist, 2nd edition

AIHA’s Toxicology Principles for the Industrial Hygienist, the most comprehensive toxicology reference, is written by industry experts specifically for the industrial hygienist. Emphasis is on basic principles and case studies that relate to the working environment. This book is recommended for classroom text as well as a professional resource. Its 36 chapters provide thorough discussions of Understanding Toxicology, Sites of Action of Chemicals Found in the Workplace, Chemical Group Toxicology, Application of Toxicological Information, and Sources of Toxicological Information.

Stock #: BTOR19-738
Author/Editor: Edited by William E. Luttrell, Kenneth R. Still, Jeffrey A. Church, and Leslie A. Beyer

Member: $150 | Non-Member: $195

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