The Synergist Newswire primarily serves as a conduit to reporting on topics related to industrial hygiene and occupational and environmental health and safety by media organizations. The articles included in Newswire are chosen from a variety of sources to reflect media coverage of the IH and OEHS industries. Each issue of the e-newsletter provides a recap of relevant stories from recent weeks.
Past issues of Newswire have directed readers to articles at NBC News about valley fever among California farmworkers; at Medical Xpress about the link between an epidemic of chronic kidney disease among agricultural workers and increasingly hot temperatures; at The New Yorker about noise pollution and public health; and at Chemical & Engineering News about the health hazards of ethylene oxide. Links to relevant blog posts and other nontraditional media are also included. Readers of Newswire learn how the larger world views issues of interest to the IH and OEHS professions.
To ensure that they receive The Synergist Newswire and other important email communications from AIHA, members should add the email address [email protected] to their "safe senders" list. For questions about delivery, please contact the Synergist editors.
View a sample issue of The Synergist Newswire.