What Is a Local Section?

Local section is the term used by AIHA to designate regional chapters. AIHA, the premier occupational health and safety association, has over 60 local sections throughout the United States, and 6 international sections across multiple continents. Since each region may have their own special concerns, the activities of one local section may vary from another. However, the purpose of each local section remains the same:

  • Protect the health and safety of workers and the community
  • Increase knowledge of industrial hygiene and occupational health and safety in a specific region
  • Promote the profession and cooperate with government, industrial, educational, and other professional bodies
  • Share a concern about the health of workers worldwide as well as the special concerns of a regional area

What Are the Benefits of Joining a Local Section?

Membership in an AIHA local section provides you with a wide range of networking opportunities in the occupational health and safety field. AIHA national membership is not required in joining an AIHA local section, but membership in both organizations is strongly encouraged to maximize benefits. Just look at the opportunities our local sections can offer you:

  • Meet and network with other OEHS professionals and vendors in your region
  • Sharpen your skills with professional development opportunities
  • Learn and exchange best practices at local section meetings
  • Make key contacts and interact with local allied groups
  • Gain potential access to webinars, local PDCs, technical sessions and other learning opportunities
  • Read more about the benefits of Local Section Membership HERE

How Do I Join?

For more information on how to join a local section, contact AIHA at (703) 846-0768 or via e-mail.

      Local Section Resources

      Handy resources to help make your Local Section run Smoothly

      Student Local Section Resources

      As a member of a student local section, you have the opportunity to network with other IH/OEHS students, explore new ideas, and gain valuable insights.

      Value of AIHA National Membership

      As you further your purpose, we're committed to your success.