Strategic Framework

A Strategic Framework is a logical model that sets a strategic goal and direction, shapes the collective identity of resources working towards this goal, and provides a map to guide decision-making and problem-solving relative to the OHS profession.

Strategic Framework: Enterprise Risk Management: An Overview

Enterprise Risk Management for IH/OEHS Professionals

This essential body of knowledge establishes a baseline for all OHS professionals on what enterprise risk management means within the sphere of safety and environmental health.

Member: $19.95 | Non-member: $29.95


Competency Frameworks

A Competency Framework is a structure that sets out and defines the core knowledge and skills required by an individual for effective performance in a specific area of expertise. These competency frameworks can be linked to either an assessment-based certificate program or an online self-study course.

Technical Frameworks

A Technical Framework defines an individual's core knowledge and skills for effective performance in a specific practice or expertise. These frameworks are widely used as a resource for individuals looking to expand or refresh their knowledge or skills or develop a new training program within an organization.

Framework Review Cycle

Frameworks are reviewed every five years to ensure content is relevant and up to date. See when a particular document is due for review.