AIHA recently joined the Capitals Coalition, which is a global entity that has evolved in the sustainability/ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) space. The Coalition is a broad-based group of stakeholders that are advancing the level of understanding across what are commonly referred to as “the capitals” as it pertains to decision-making within corporations of all sizes. The capitals are defined as natural capital, social capital, and human capital. It is the human capital space where AIHA feels we play a role in helping to define the knowledge, skills, competencies, and attributes embodied in individuals that contribute to improved performance and well-being.

The term “ESG” refers to environmental, social, and governance considerations -- three key factors when measuring the sustainability and ethical impact of an investment in a company. Most socially responsible investors check to see how companies perform against ESG criteria when considering investments. ESG factors are a subset of non-financial performance indicators which include ethical, sustainable, and corporate government issues such as making sure there are systems in place to ensure accountability, managing the corporation’s carbon footprint, and adhering to stronger occupational health and safety protocols (this latter area is where AIHA fits in).

Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of this task force is to provide strategic direction which will help AIHA:

  • Demonstrate a lead role and communicate to our members how we are helping to guide market influencing developments in the sustainability field.
  • Educate and engage our members in ongoing developments in the evolving ESG field and the connections between OEHS and ESG/sustainability.
  • Influence the future direction of the sustainability field by giving feedback to SASB and others (e.g., GRI, International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation, World Economic Forum) on how they develop key performance indicators (metrics), frameworks, and technical protocol development centered on human health, well-being, and human capital management.
  • Liaise with and provide input to ESG ratings bodies (those that evaluate companies based on their ESG performance).

We envision direct collaboration with various entities occupying this arena, including the Capitals Coalition, the Sustainable Accounting Standards Board (SASB), the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and others.

For more information, please contact, Larry Sloan, FASAE, CAE (Staff Liaison).