Goal (Measure of Success)
AIHA and the occupational and environmental health and safety (OEHS) profession are viewed as critical stakeholders vis-à-vis ASHRAE and other standards-setting organizations that focus on IAQ.
Strategic Objectives
- Serve in a strategic oversight capacity that helps direct, prioritize, and coordinate IAQ activities being undertaken at the Volunteer Group level and how these are perceived and valued by ASHRAE and other organizations.
- Build a closer relationship with ASHRAE.
- Provide messaging to ASHRAE to educate them on the key role OEHS professionals provide in promoting healthy IAQ.
The IAQ Task Force shall not be limited to a specific number of members. It shall be open to both AIHA members and non-members to ensure we reflect the perspectives of OEHS and allied professionals. There is no specific requirement for a formal chair / vice-chair position; however, the group may accommodate such a request should a willing volunteer wish to step forward. AIHA’s Staff CIH, Michele Twilley, shall serve as staff liaison.
Roles & Responsibilities
- Work in conjunction with a designated AIHA Board Liaison, who shall report on the activities of the group throughout the year at Board meetings.
- Ensure activities of the AIHA’s Indoor Environmental Quality Committee, Real-Time Detection Systems Committee, Aerosol Technology Committee, and Big Data Working Group (among others) are harmonized.
- Provide strategic direction and guide our Volunteer Groups in developing new knowledge products and other tools that support our role in IAQ.
- Ensure the voice of OEHS is reflected at ASHRAE and other stakeholder events by soliciting interest from volunteers willing and interested in submitting abstracts to these meetings.
- Similarly, ensure IAQ remains a top-priority topic featured at AIHA Connect.
- Draft and maintain a harmonized list of talking points that can be re-purposed for a variety of communication vehicles.
General Time Commitment
- Monthly virtual meeting (each lasting 1 hour).
- One in-person meeting (usually at AIHA CONNECT – formerly AIHce EXP).
- Email correspondence as needed.
- Other duties as assigned (based on identified project needs).
- Accountable to the AIHA Board of Directors.
- Agree to uphold and abide by the AIHA Bylaws, Conflict of Interest, and Code of Conduct policies.