IAQ Task Force

Goal (Measure of Success)

AIHA and the occupational and environmental health and safety (OEHS) profession are viewed as critical stakeholders vis-à-vis ASHRAE and other standards-setting organizations that focus on IAQ.

Strategic Objectives

  1. Serve in a strategic oversight capacity that helps direct, prioritize, and coordinate IAQ activities being undertaken at the Volunteer Group level and how these are perceived and valued by ASHRAE and other organizations.
  2. Build a closer relationship with ASHRAE.
  3. Provide messaging to ASHRAE to educate them on the key role OEHS professionals provide in promoting healthy IAQ.


The IAQ Task Force shall not be limited to a specific number of members. It shall be open to both AIHA members and non-members to ensure we reflect the perspectives of OEHS and allied professionals. There is no specific requirement for a formal chair / vice-chair position; however, the group may accommodate such a request should a willing volunteer wish to step forward. AIHA’s Staff CIH, Michele Twilley, shall serve as staff liaison.

Roles & Responsibilities

  • Work in conjunction with a designated AIHA Board Liaison, who shall report on the activities of the group throughout the year at Board meetings.
  • Ensure activities of the AIHA’s Indoor Environmental Quality Committee, Real-Time Detection Systems Committee, Aerosol Technology Committee, and Big Data Working Group (among others) are harmonized.
  • Provide strategic direction and guide our Volunteer Groups in developing new knowledge products and other tools that support our role in IAQ.
  • Ensure the voice of OEHS is reflected at ASHRAE and other stakeholder events by soliciting interest from volunteers willing and interested in submitting abstracts to these meetings.
  • Similarly, ensure IAQ remains a top-priority topic featured at AIHA Connect.
  • Draft and maintain a harmonized list of talking points that can be re-purposed for a variety of communication vehicles.

General Time Commitment

  • Monthly virtual meeting (each lasting 1 hour).
  • One in-person meeting (usually at AIHA CONNECT – formerly AIHce EXP).
  • Email correspondence as needed.
  • Other duties as assigned (based on identified project needs).


  • Accountable to the AIHA Board of Directors.
  • Agree to uphold and abide by the AIHA Bylaws, Conflict of Interest, and Code of Conduct policies.