TSCA Task Force


To ensure AIHA is speaking with one voice / one message with respect to how we as a profession are the right partner to support EPA in Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) occupational risk assessments and management as mandated by the Lautenberg Act of 2016.

Goal (Measure of Success)

To influence EPA progressively and positively to more closely align with the manner in which occupational and environmental health and safety (OEHS) professionals conduct occupational exposure assessments. Evidence (anecdotal and otherwise) of AIHA’s ability to positively influence how EPA conducts risk assessments (i.e., continue to shift EPA’s philosophy).

Strategic Objectives

  1. Serve in a strategic oversight capacity that helps direct, prioritize, and coordinate AIHA activities being undertaken at the Volunteer Group level to influence the EPA.
  2. Build closer relationships with trade associations, such as the American Chemistry Council, and other organizations to help AIHA amplify and broaden its support network.
  3. Provide messaging to EPA staff to educate them on the fundamentals of how occupational exposure assessments are conducted.


The TSCA Task Force shall not be limited to a specific number of members. It shall be open to both AIHA members and non-members to ensure we reflect the perspectives of OEHS and allied professionals. There is no specific requirement for a formal chair / vice-chair position; however, the group may accommodate such a request should a willing volunteer wish to step forward. AIHA’s Director of Government Relations, Mark Ames, shall serve as staff liaison.

Roles & Responsibilities

  • Work in conjunction with a designated AIHA Board Liaison, who shall report on the activities of the group throughout the year at Board meetings.
  • Coordinate efforts with the American Chemistry Council and other allied associations with a vested interest in ensuring TSCA risk assessments are aligned with recommended practices as published by the AIHA.
  • Maintain an ongoing list of activities being conducted within the AIHA, such as webinars and advocacy work.
  • Draft and maintain a harmonized list of talking points that can be re-purposed for a variety of communication vehicles.

Measures of Success

  1. Achieve collaboration between EPA and an IH-based professional society, or School of Public Health, on Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL) development.
  2. Where Existing Chemical Exposure Limits (ECELs) and OELs currently differ, organize a task force including EPA, NIOSH, OSHA, AIHA, ACGIH, and industry CIHs to understand the differences between the ECEL and the existing OEL to serve as clarification to industry.
  3. Succeed in advocating for the EPA Science Advisory Committee on Chemicals (SACC) to require at least two CIHs with a minimum of 10 years industry experience.
  4. Gain EPA agreement to require a CIH to participate in all chemical hazard evaluations and risk management proposed rules.

    General Time Commitment

    • Monthly virtual meeting (each lasting 1 hour).
    • One in-person meeting (may be at AIHA CONNECT – formerly AIHce EXP).
    • Email correspondence as needed.
    • Other duties as assigned (based on identified project needs).


    • Accountable to the AIHA Board of Directors.
    • Agree to uphold and abide by the AIHA Bylaws, Conflict of Interest, and Code of Conduct policies.