This group has been put on hiatus effective February 2024.
In early 2020, the Academic Advisory Group was formed to recommend strategies that will strengthen the IH/OEHS academic community and, ultimately, the profession. This group is a collaborative partnership and open to both AIHA and ACGIH members.
The Academic Advisory Group maintains the following strategic priorities:
- Identify ways in which AIHA can help our academic community be better positioned to respond to change
- Facilitate ways to boost student recruitment into IH/OEHS programs
- Explore sensible ways to supplement/enhance current student curricula that reflect real-world rubrics (e.g., intro to OEB, exposure assessment e-tools/EDA Registry, fundamentals of toxicology, biohazards)
Completed Activities
- Updated STEM college student recruitment material – available on OEHSCareers.org
- Expanded scope for original Golden Seed Award; now OEHS Career Champion Award
- New education for Exposure Decision Analysis (EDA Registry)
- Created a new Academic Web Portal featuring free resources available to the public
In Progress/Ongoing Activities include:
- Ongoing additions to the Academic Web Portal
- Introducing Defining the Science (DTS) research ideas to faculty
- CPAG proposal re: new communications piece about emerging IH risks (e.g., supply chain risk management, robotics, automation)
- Repository of textbooks and other reference materials by academic degree type
- Cross-over engagement with Improving Exposure Judgment Advisory Group to introduce faculty/students to EDA Registry, videos of “walking tours” around industrial settings
- In discussions with various stakeholders to develop new courses for students (e.g., intro to toxicology, biohazards)

Questions? Please contact Larry Sloan, FASAE, CAE, AIHA CEO.