Cyclohexanone Among Five Chemicals with New NIOSH Skin Notation Profiles
NIOSH recently published skin notation profiles for five chemicals, including the organic compound cyclohexanone, which is used as a solvent in applications such as metal degreasing, and cyclonite, a component of highly explosive materials. New skin notation profiles for the chemicals chlorodiphenyl (42% chlorine), cyclohexanol, and diethylenetriamine are also available.
According to NIOSH, chlorodiphenyl has not been produced or used in the United States since 1977, but was previously used as a dielectric fluid, hydraulic fluid, and rubber plasticizer. The substance’s new skin notation profile notes that chlorodiphenyl may be present in transformers and capacitors still in use today. NIOSH explains that cyclohexanol is used as a chemical intermediate in the manufacturing of nylon, as a stabilizer, and as a homogenizer for soap and detergent, while diethylenetriamine is used as an additive in asphalt, corrosion inhibitors, drainage aids, fabric softeners, and fuel.
Skin notation profiles are agency-authored technical documents that provide information supplemental to chemicals’ skin notations, including summaries of all relevant data used to help determine the hazards associated with skin exposures. Each skin notation profile includes a brief summary of epidemiological and toxicological data associated with skin contact with a chemical and the rationale behind the chemical’s hazard-specific skin notation assignment.
NIOSH skin notations offer warnings about the direct, systemic, and sensitizing effects of chemical exposures to the skin. All final skin notation profiles are currently available via the NIOSH website. To learn more about the NIOSH strategy for assigning skin notations, see NIOSH Current Intelligence Bulletin 61.