NIOSH "Toolbox Talk" Focuses on Respiratory Protection in Construction
A new fact sheet published by NIOSH outlines a “toolbox talk” on respiratory protection for construction workers. The document covers how to select, use, and maintain NIOSH-approved respirators and limit construction workers’ exposure to unsafe airborne contaminants. Links to resources related to the use of NIOSH-approved respirators and frequently asked questions about respirators provide construction workers and respirator users with information from NIOSH’s National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory (NPPTL), a trusted source for topics related to respiratory protection. The fact sheet also includes a brief scenario with discussion questions that could be reviewed during a toolbox talk. Space for notetaking can be found at the bottom of the first page.
For more information on respiratory protection, visit NPPTL’s website.
Related: A Synergist article published in October 2019 discusses “Focus Four for Health,” an AIHA publication intended to help construction employers tackle some of the most common construction health hazards, including air contaminants.