NIOSH Seeks to Measure Success of Upcoming Campaign on Mental Health in Healthcare
A new project proposed by NIOSH would involve conducting a survey of healthcare workers and employers to establish a baseline to measure the outcomes of an upcoming campaign related to the mental health of health workers. The planned campaign is intended to increase workers’ and employers’ awareness and knowledge of mental health risks among healthcare workers as well as boost awareness of related evidence-based interventions, policies, practices, services, and other resources. NIOSH also hopes that the campaign will increase employers’ implementation of mental health support in healthcare workplaces and help workers better identify and use such services. The agency proposes to survey both healthcare workers and employers—500 of each—to establish baseline metrics by which to measure the effectiveness of its forthcoming campaign prior to launch.
“NIOSH intends to reach both health employers and health workers with information about organizational programs, services, policies, and practices to support worker mental health and the importance of taking action to support one's mental health,” the Federal Register notice about the proposal explains.
Comments on NIOSH’s proposed project are being collected until May 31, 2022. See the Federal Register notice about the project to learn more.
This new proposed project is part of nationwide efforts to raise awareness of mental health concerns and identify best practices to prevent and reduce work stress and related adverse health outcomes among health workers in the United States. Additional NIOSH activities in this area include a September 2021 request for information about interventions to prevent work-related stress and promote mental health and well-being among U.S. health workers.
Related: The cover feature of the October 2021 issue of The Synergist focuses on mental health in the workplace and offers tips for supporting workers’ mental well-being.