October 27, 2022

NIOSH Rescinds Respirator Approval Issued to Supplied Air Monitoring Systems

Following a request from Supplied Air Monitoring Systems Inc., NIOSH has rescinded the respirator approval issued to the company. The voluntary rescission affects respirators marked with the approval number TC-13F-0214. As of Oct. 20, respirators bearing this number are no longer NIOSH approved and may no longer be used, manufactured, assembled, sold, or distributed, according to a notice on the NIOSH website.

NIOSH’s notice directs individuals to contact Blackbox Technologies International LLC regarding inquiries about the decision to voluntarily rescind the approval issued to Supplied Air Monitoring Systems.

NIOSH encourages users of its certified equipment list to confirm testing and certification approval numbers, which are printed on NIOSH-approved respirators. The website of the agency’s National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory provides a list of additional guidance documents intended to inform users of respiratory protective devices.