October 10, 2024

CDC Worksheet to Assist Dairy Facilities with Assessing H5N1 Hazards

A new hazard assessment worksheet published by CDC is intended to help employers protect workers at dairy facilities from highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) while working with infected dairy cattle. Cases of H5N1 causing disease in cattle were first reported in March. Since then, several workers exposed to H5N1-infected animals in multiple states have also become infected themselves. CDC’s new worksheet includes a series of questions that aim to help dairy farm employers determine when and how to implement protective measures for H5N1. The agency outlines recommendations for employers based on their answers to the questions in the worksheet.

CDC’s recommendations for reducing the risk related to H5N1 are further detailed in its interim guidance for employers and workers who are exposed to animals that may be infected with novel influenza A viruses. Workers who may be exposed to infection include livestock farmers and workers, veterinarians and veterinary staff, public health responders, dairy laboratory workers, food processing workers, and slaughterhouse workers. Recommended PPE for those with such exposure includes a NIOSH-approved particulate respirator, safety goggles, disposable gloves, boots or boot covers, fluid-resistant coveralls, and a head or hair cover.

The worksheet is available as a PDF from CDC’s website, along with additional information on the avian influenza situation.