November 14, 2024

NIOSH Report Recommends Ergonomics Controls for Radiopharmaceutical Facility

A NIOSH health hazard evaluation report (HHE) published in September includes the agency’s recommendations for addressing ergonomic hazards in a radiopharmaceutical facility. NIOSH staff visited the facility at the request of management, who were concerned about employees tasked with moving shipping containers and using hot cell manipulators to pull drug doses. The NIOSH evaluators observed work processes, practices, and conditions; measured and took photos of workstations; and interviewed four of the facility’s seven employees about their work and health concerns. Work stations at the facility were not designed to reduce work-related musculoskeletal disorders, NIOSH found. Some employees tasked with lifting shipping containers reported back pain, and some employees whose tasks included using the hot cell manipulator reported pain in their hands and wrists.

The HHE report lists a set of recommendations following the hierarchy of controls, intended to reduce employees’ risks for MSDs. These include ensuring that hand working heights on conveyor belts range between 38 and 49 inches and that reach distances range between 11 and 22 inches. Employees should place shipping containers and other heavy items on load-leveling tables or carts instead of directly on the floor. The report also specifies requirements for a remote handling device and for adjustable workstations that accommodate workers of different heights and reach lengths during sitting and standing tasks. For workers who usually stand when performing their tasks, the employer should provide antifatigue mats that cover the entire work area. Finally, the report recommends that the employer encourage workers to report any work-related health concerns to their supervisors and seek care from a healthcare professional knowledgeable about occupational medicine, if necessary.

The HHE report may be downloaded as a PDF from NIOSH’s HHE report library.