Mentoring: Something for Everybody
Many professionals have learned so much from their career that the next logical step is sharing those experiences with others. Then there are those who are looking for someone more seasoned to help them navigate the rough waters of the profession. Bringing these people together is the goal of AIHA’s Mentoring Program, which provides student members and early- to mid-career professionals with experienced mentors to assist in their career development and to offer professional guidance.
How many times have you said to yourself, “I wish I had someone to learn from”? That’s what the Mentoring Program provides. AIHA members looking for support are paired with professionals who have more experience. But how do you find the perfect mentor/mentee for you?
First, complete a mentor or mentee profile on AIHA’s Catalyst Mentoring Program page (you have to be an AIHA member to access the page and the program). You can be both a mentor and a mentee as long as you create a profile for both. The profiles will include questions that assess your specific career and personal needs, such as:
- What would you like to learn? What can others learn from me? What are my goals?
- What am I looking for in a mentor/mentee? What is the sector of interest?
- How much time am I willing to devote to this activity?
Answering these questions helps create a profile of your ideal counterpart and the blueprint for what you want to get out of the Mentoring Program.
Once you complete the mentor or mentee profile, the next step is to review or complete your member profile on Catalyst so that potential mentors or mentees can learn more about you. Once your application is processed, the system will match with you a suitable mentor or mentee. You can also search for a specific mentor or mentee, if they are in our system.
Regardless of whether the mentor and mentee have chosen each other or were assigned by the program, the most important thing is nurturing the relationship. Like any relationship, the one between the mentor and the mentee requires attention, mutual trust, energy, and time.
The quality of the interactions between mentor and mentee is what makes the mentoring path useful and special. Use the opportunity for your professional and personal growth. Stay in touch with each other and talk at least once a month, and make plans for in-person get-togethers at conferences or workshops. To fully experience mentoring, establish a good relationship and transform it into an unforgettable life experience.
So if you are an experienced professional looking to make a difference for the next generation of IHs, or if you are in the early stages of your career and are looking for some guidance, AIHA’s Mentoring Program is the perfect tool!
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