
I don’t get nearly enough emails.

Said no one, ever!

We could all stand to receive less emails. That’s why we’ve built an email preference center that our members and customers can customize what types of communications they receive from us.

How does this affect you?

  • We are sending some emails from a new domain.
    • Please ask your IT team to whitelist our domain @email.aiha.org.
    • If you’re on your own, here are a few easy tutorials for the most popular email clients including Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, and more.
  • If you are an AIHA member or existing customer, you can access the email preference center by clicking on "manage preferences" at the bottom of any marketing message you receive.

  • You can also log into your AIHA profile and update your preferences here.
  • With the new email preference center you can now:
    • Decide what types of content you want to receive. Only interested in AIHF updates? Make it happen!
    • With the exception of the Synergist Weekly and Synergist Newswire, (both AIHA member benefits), anyone can subscribe to the various newsletters AIHA has to offer, including updates from AIHA University, CareerAdvantage, AIHF, and more!
    • Need a break? You’ll also have the option to pause all emails from us for 7, 14, or 30 days at a time.