April 13, 2023

NIOSH Mining Program Publishes Heat Stress Training Module

A new training module published by NIOSH last month is intended to reduce heat stress incidents by helping workers recognize the signs of heat-related illness and provide appropriate first aid. Though the training was developed by the NIOSH Mining Program, the agency notes that it is applicable for anyone who works in a hot environment, including those who work outdoors in hot climates and workers in hot plants, mills, or similar facilities. The training module, called “Keeping Cool,” was designed to be led by an instructor, but NIOSH explains that it can also provide value for individual learners.

Topics covered by the training include how to self-regulate behaviors while off shift to enhance the body’s ability to handle heat stress as well as how to assess the risk of heat stress on the job. Maintaining hydration, taking rest breaks, and taking first aid actions when feeling symptoms of heat-related illness are among other protective actions discussed as part of the module.

Further information about this course can be found on NIOSH’s website. The “Keeping Cool” software is freely available online.