May 9, 2024

Members Approve Bylaws Changes

In voting conducted electronically from April 17 through May 8, AIHA members approved changes to the organization’s bylaws. The changes modify an aspect of organizational membership and allow the Board of Directors to establish discounted dues across membership segments. As stipulated by the bylaws, the changes were approved by two-thirds of voting members.

The AIHA bylaws address organizational membership in Article III, Section 7. An organizational member is a company that is afforded discounts on individual membership dues. The more individuals who are included in the organizational membership, the greater the discount. While the company that holds the organizational membership does not have voting privileges and cannot serve on AIHA committees, members have approved a change to clarify that the company’s individual members “shall be considered Full Members” and can therefore vote and participate in committee work.

Members also approved a change that adds the following sentence to Article III, Section 10: “The Board of Directors shall have the authority to discount or establish special dues for any segments that the Board of Directors establishes within membership classes.”

The AIHA bylaws are available on the AIHA website.