September 12, 2024

HERO Worker Well-Being Clearinghouse Launched in Partnership with NIOSH

NIOSH’s Office for Total Worker Health has partnered with the Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO) to launch the HERO Worker Well-Being Clearinghouse, an open-source repository for data collected through the NIOSH Worker Well-Being Questionnaire (NIOSH WellBQ). According to the September issue of NIOSH’s “Total Worker Health In Action!” newsletter, employers and organizations may access the NIOSH WellBQ through the clearinghouse and administer the questionnaire to better understand the health, safety, and well-being of their workforces. The clearinghouse will provide users with a free report of their questionnaire results. Users may choose to share their de-identified data with the clearinghouse. The de-identified data includes no information that can be linked to specific people, NIOSH’s newsletter states. Practitioners, policymakers, researchers, and others who wish to understand trends and dynamics in worker well-being may request access to the de-identified data free of cost.

NIOSH’s website for the WellBQ states that the survey “provides an integrated assessment of worker well-being across multiple spheres,” which include “individuals' quality of working life, circumstances outside of work, and physical and mental health status.” It is intended to help users “understand workers' well-being and target interventions to improve worker well-being, among other applications.”

HERO is a not-for-profit organization based in Raleigh, North Carolina. According to HERO’s press release announcing the launch of the clearinghouse (PDF), the organization is “dedicated to identifying and sharing best practices that improve the health and well-being of employees, their families, and communities.”

To learn more about or to use the Worker Well-Being Clearinghouse, visit HERO’s website.