NIOSH Webinar to Focus on Disseminating and Implementing Research in the Workplace
On July 2, NIOSH will host a free webinar in its Total Worker Health webinar series that will focus on the theory and practice of research dissemination and implementation in the workplace. The webinar will provide an overview of dissemination and implementation science, including information on strategies for researchers and practitioners to engage in D&I research. Participants will learn how to translate evidence into practical interventions within the workplace.
NIOSH encourages occupational health and safety professionals, health educators, program managers and administrators, human resource managers, risk managers, and employers to attend the webinar. Interested individuals can register for free via Adobe Connect.
NIOSH defines TWH as "policies, programs, and practices that integrate protection from work-related safety and health hazards with promotion of injury and illness prevention efforts to advance worker well-being." The free webinar series focuses on the latest research and case studies related to TWH.
The previous webinars in the series are available as archived recordings via NIOSH’s webinar page. Previous webinars include “New Insights into the Opioid Crisis and Work: Important Information for Workers and Employers,” “Overlapping Vulnerabilities in the Aging Workforce,” and “A New Look at the Way We Work: Nonstandard Work Arrangements and Their Impacts on Worker Safety and Health.”