Ownership of the IH Applications and Tools
AIHA Business Case
in EHS Tool
SARS-CoV-2 Exposure Assessment Tool
This simple-to-use tool, released as a Beta version, allows users to estimate a group-wide relative exposure to SARS-COV-2 associated with various activities. The tool facilitates understanding of the relative importance of factors that contribute to increased exposure. It incorporates both scientific principals and recent findings regarding virus characteristics to assess relative exposure based on the key mechanistic and epidemiological factors. NOTE: The developers of this tool are in the process of submitting a peer-reviewed article for publication in the Science Advances journal.
Ergonomic Assessment Toolkit

To reduce the occurrence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs), practitioners need to be able to effectively assess the risk in jobs and tasks. When many safety and health professionals begin working in the field of ergonomics, they assume there is one method, model, or tool that will permit them to assess all jobs. However, such a tool does not exist. Instead, there are many tools that can and should be used to assess the risk of WMSDs.
Practitioners—whether they are industrial hygienists, safety professionals, or ergonomists—frequently need guidance to assess the risk. Members of the AIHA Ergonomics Committee set out to help by developing the first “toolkit” in 2007. This resource was a compilation of several risk assessment tools commonly used by practitioners.
The new 2023 version of the AIHA Ergonomic Assessment Toolkit includes information on 26 tools as well as the Tool Selection Flow Chart and electronic versions of almost all the tools. It also includes a new section discussing some assessment tools that may require more equipment and/or expertise. The Toolkit is a living document and will evolve with the science and research methods.
We hope this latest version of the Toolkit will be valuable for everyone in our field.
EPA Risk and Exposure Assessment Tools
- Air Quality Data and Tools
- Ecological Risk Assessment Tools and Databases
- Exposure Assessment Tools by Approaches (Direct Measurement, Indirect Estimation, Exposure Reconstruction)
- Exposure Assessment Tools by Chemical Classes – Nanomaterials
- Exposure Assessment Tools by Life Stages and Populations (General Population, Residential Consumers, Occupational Workers, Life Stages, Highly Exposed)
- Exposure Assessment Tools by Media (Air, Water, and Sediment, Soil and Dust, Food, Aquatic Biota, Consumer Products)
- Exposure Assessment Tools by Tiers and Types (Screening-Level and Refined, Deterministic and Probabilistic, Aggregate and Cumulative)
- Human Risk Assessment Tools and Databases
- Predictive Models and Tools for Assessing Chemicals Under the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA)
- Risk Assessment on Pesticides