Print Ad Size Specifications

Synergist ad sizes
Spread (bleed)*​​17"11-1/8"​

*NOTE: Trim size of the spread is 16-3/4" x 10-7/8”. For bleed, extend artwork 1/8” beyond all four edges, to arrive at Bleed Size above. Keep all text elements at least 3/8” inside all edges.

Full Page (bleed)*​8-5/8"​11-1/8"​

*NOTE: Trim size of the publication is 8-3/8” x 10-7/8”. For bleed, extend artwork 1/8” beyond all four edges, to arrive at Bleed Size above. Keep all text elements at least 3/8” inside all edges.

Full Page​ (no bleed)7"​10"​
​1/2 Page Horizontal​7-3/8"​4-7/8"
​1/4 Vertical​3-3/8"​4-7/8"

Product Features Specifications

  • A 2" x 1.5" image of a product or logo, company name, address, phone, website, and 50 words of text to describe the pictured product or service.
  • Product features appear in the Product Features section at the back of the printed Synergist and digital Synergist.

Digital Inline Optimized Ad Size Specifications

The Digital Synergist seeks to provide a superior experience for readers on three device types: desktop, tablet, and phone.

To optimize an ad for the Digital Synergist, you will need to create separate files for each device type. Because it is unlikely that an ad created for a desktop monitor can accommodate as much text as an ad created for print, we recommend that marketers simplify their creative for digital display and use significantly less text than they would for a print ad. Similarly, an ad for the phone should use text sparingly, with larger fonts for legibility.

Advertising Speci​​fica​tions

Pop-Up Ads*

  • Designed Ad Image submitted by advertiser in .jpg or .png format 72 dpi, RGB
  • 768 pixels wide x 896 pixels high
  • URL for linking
  • For this ad format, we recommend using text sparingly, with larger fonts for legibility

*Same size is used for desktop and mobile

In-Line Optimized Ads*

  • Desktop in-line ad (landscape orientation): 1042 pixels wide by 342 pixels high
  • Phone and tablet ​in-line ad (portrait orientation): 640 pixels wide by 500 pixels high

*Advertiser submits both units

Full-Screen Optimized Ads**

  • Desktop (landscape orientation): 2560 pixels wide x 1440 pixels high
  • Phone/tablet (portrait orientation): 768 pixels wide x 896 pixels high

**Advertiser submits both units​

Video Specifications

Please upload the video to YouTube or Vimeo and set it to play at normal speed, at a quality of 480p. Total playtime should not exceed two minutes.

Please provide the link to the YouTube or Vimeo video. Video ads can also accommodate a small amount of text to be provided by the advertiser: 10 words or less for a header, plus 25 words or less for an accompanying blurb. (See an example video ad here.)

The Synergist staff will embed the video into the digital magazine at appropriate sizes for the desktop, tablet, and phone versions. Synergist staff will also adjust the color and background image of the video ad page to match the video provided by the advertiser.

Digital Deadlines

Please contact Chris Dunham | 203-994-1883 for deadlines.

Submis​sion Guideli​nes

  • Supply a URL where the digital ad should link.
  • All ads should be submitted as JPG or PNG files at 300 PPI
  • Email all ad units to Julia Malinovskaya


Chris Dunham | 203-994-1883

Electronic File Requirements for Print Ad Insertions​

Do NOT include a bleed with fractional ads.

Please supply only a print-ready PDF file. We cannot accept any native application file formats (no Word, InDesign, Publisher, etc.) or any other file format. PDF must be a high resolution, print-ready file. All raster images should be 300 dpi. All fonts must be embedded.

Color: Color ads must use CMYK color only. RGB color or spot colors (such as Pantone colors) are NOT acceptable.

Black-and-white ads should use black only (not 4-color); images should be grayscale.

2-color ads should be built from CMYK process. Do not use Pantone/spot colors. We cannot guarantee an exact color match for spot colors.

We use an on-screen soft-proofing process. You are not required to send a printed proof.

The publisher is not responsible for printing errors due to incorrect file preparation.

Submitting Files

Please supply only a print-ready PDF file.

We cannot accept any native application file formats (no MS Word, InDesign, Publisher, etc) or any other file format. PDF must be a hi-res, print-ready file. All raster images should be 300 dpi.

All fonts must be embedded.

Do NOT include printer’s marks (crop marks, registration marks, etc.) in the file submission.

Do NOT include a bleed with fractional ads unless specified.

Color ads must use CMYK color only. RGB color or spot ads (such as Pantone colors) are NOT acceptable. Black & white ads should use black only (not 4-color); images should be grayscale.

​For PRINT ad submissions, please go to to submit files.

For DIGITAL ad submissions, please email directly to Julia Malinovskaya | 212-929-9501

For questions about artwork submission, contact:

Julia Malinovskaya | 212-929-9501