So Much to Be Thankful For
Thanksgiving often ushers in a sense of reflection over the year’s accomplishments, adversities overcome, and the promise of achieving even more in the future. Let’s look at some of what we were able to get done this year, thanks to each of you, and highlight the amazing things we have in store for 2020 with your continued engagement and involvement.
AIHA’s Top 10 Accomplishments of 2019
- The new AIHA website. Last month AIHA unveiled its revamped website, with more resources that are easily accessible. In addition, the modern design and improved navigation make it more intuitive so that in just a few clicks you can find the information you need, even on your mobile device.
- Catalyst site and Member Center. With over 7,100 profiles created, Catalyst features a redesigned layout, making it easier to navigate and search for what you are looking for. You can also easily find and access the Member Center and members-only resources all from one central place on the Catalyst home page. It is now much easier, especially on your mobile device, to access the over 420 communities created on Catalyst.
- AIHA University. With over 20,000 members served, education at AIHA has a new look and some new offerings tailored to non-CIHs and non-IHs, such as our certificate programs, a CIH prep course, and an e-learning course on the fundamentals of IH (in collaboration with the Occupational Hygiene Training Association). The new AIHA University eLibrary subscription grants visitors unlimited online access to 50 of AIHA's bestselling publications, including newly released titles.
- Salary and compensation calculator. As an AIHA member, you have full access to the interactive salary and compensation tool where you can compare your data to the industry, explore the data from any angle, and create personalized data visualization dashboards.
- Mentoring Program. A means of matching potential mentors and mentees, the Mentoring Program was set up to provide members with the opportunity to make a personal difference in the future of the profession while also gaining valuable leadership skills. We are looking for mentors, so please consider signing up—it only takes a few minutes to set up a mentoring profile to help support those making their way in the profession.
- First-ever Public Policy Agenda. Released at the beginning of the year, AIHA’s first-ever Public Policy Agenda covers the years 2019 through 2020 and focuses attention on 15 of the most important worker health and safety issues in the United States.
- Virtual Section and Virtual Section (en Espanol). Established this year to address the needs of members who don’t have access to a local section, the virtual section provides an opportunity to network and boost your professional growth from anywhere in the world. The Virtual Sections feature three professional development educational offerings, a dedicated Catalyst community, coffee talks, and other networking opportunities. Interested in learning more and joining? Just add the Virtual Section during the renewal process.
- Public Resources Center. The Public Resources Center was created for the new as an educational portal for all consumer-friendly resources that members developed or that AIHA national and members created together, as well as links to trusted, non-AIHA sources of information. This section also includes the new Think and Act Fire Smart Resource Center, a one-stop information center for wildfire preparedness and recovery that aims to raise awareness about the hidden dangers in the cleanup process that follows a devastating wildfire, especially in urban areas.
- Professional Pathways Resource eGuide. Issued earlier this year, the IH Professional Pathway eGuide (PDF) provides industrial and occupational hygienists with recommendations on how to advance their careers. The eGuide highlights educational resources appropriate by career stage, offers a summary of allied professionals with whom the IH/OH professional may work, and encourages and supports the attainment of credentials such as certifications and registrations.
- The AIHF President’s Leadership Award. This award, to be given annually by the American Industrial Hygiene Foundation, will be the Foundation's highest scholarship and professional development honor. The award consists of a considerable scholarship as well as a professional development opportunity to attend a British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS), Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists (AIOH), or comparable international conference on occupational health and safety. The prestigious President's Leadership Award is made possible thanks to a generous $150,000 endowment and annual donation by John Henshaw, MPH, CIH, FAIHA.
With everything we accomplished this year, gratitude and thanks are due to our members and staff for your hard work, involvement, and support. In the coming year we have even more exciting things planned to make doing your job easier and more efficient. With the development of a new mobile app for AIHA, access to the Member Center, member resources, publications, and Catalyst will be at your fingertips. In 2020, networking and making connections will be easier than ever. We also look forward to further micro-volunteering opportunities and more affinity programs to provide additional benefits to members.
If you haven’t renewed your membership yet, I strongly encourage you to before December 31 to get a complimentary eBook, Essentials of Exposure IV (available for download in January 2020). We will also email you a special link to be one of the first 26 members to tell us why you’re proud to be an IH and be showcased on Catalyst in 2020!
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