Updates to AIHA’s Content Priorities
Developing and disseminating professional and educational content that supports the needs of the practicing industrial hygienist is a critical responsibility of AIHA. In 2019, the association conducted a rigorous environmental scan to identify factors that have the potential to affect worker health and safety and challenge the future success of industrial hygiene. AIHA's Content Portfolio Advisory Group (CPAG) helped analyze the scan and identify priority areas for content development.
CPAG advised the AIHA Board of Directors by recommending and promoting projects that develop content that aligns with the needs of the profession. Content priorities help define and shape the technical and educational products developed by AIHA's volunteer groups or individual members. The ultimate goal is to promote activities that help industrial hygiene practitioners recognize and prepare for challenges in protecting worker health and safety. As a direct result of the 2019 environmental scan, CPAG identified five priority areas: Big Data and Sensor Technology; Total Exposure Health; Exposure Banding; Communicating OEHS Concepts; and Serving the Changing Workforce.
One of CPAG's responsibilities is to review and update the content priorities. This past summer, CPAG held a day-long, in-person strategic planning meeting at AIHA headquarters to accomplish that important task. Progress and accomplishments over the previous two years in each of the priority areas were reviewed, and detailed discussions were held between CPAG members, the CPAG Board liaison, and AIHA staff. Following extensive deliberations, CPAG made two recommendations, which the Board approved in November 2022.
The first recommendation was that the Total Exposure Health priority should be renamed Total Worker Health. This change lays the groundwork for bringing this priority area and all associated AIHA initiatives into alignment with the national and international efforts on TWH and creates greater synergy with efforts at NIOSH, in academia, and in the private sector.
The second recommendation was that the Exposure Banding priority should be transitioned to the status of a supported ongoing focus area in the Exposure and Control Banding Committee (ECBC). Over the past few years, a tremendous amount of progress has been made across the IH profession to develop and promote occupational exposure banding. Thanks to a key collaboration between AIHA and NIOSH, a large number of valuable educational resources can now be accessed at the AIHA OEB website. AIHA's subject matter experts in the ECBC will maintain this momentum, and close communication between CPAG and ECBC will ensure that AIHA continues to support this important activity.
Every healthy organization needs to periodically reassess its priorities and determine if changes are needed. CPAG is helping AIHA fulfill this essential activity by ensuring that the work of AIHA's volunteers contributes to the IH community's success and continues to protect worker health.
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